
How do you define love?

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Have you ever been, or are you currently, in love? How do you show your love?





    an accurate depiction of love

    until you find a real love

  2. Three types of love

    1) Eros love - known as "erotic love". It is based on strong feelings toward another. It usually occurs in the first stages of a man-woman "romantic" relationship.

    2) Philos love - a love based on friendship between two people.

    3) Agape - unconditional love

    This is selfless. You love them without any thought of reciprocity

  3. Love is more like a force that make u wan to do anything for another person just for his/her smile without asking anything in return. his/her presence will make u feel nervous n unexplainable happiness from within. every ordinary thing that he/she do become extraordinary to u. as long he/she is happy u will become happy be it u had such foul mood in 5 min earlier.

    ps. all the time we had been waiting for it to come n yet when it come we don't treasure it so as it leave. u felt like dying so miserable tat u cant imagine it  

  4. i have fallen in love 2 times in my life. and i do not recommend it.  

  5. it is a positive feelings and an attraction toward the other. Most commonly with morale and self-esteem dependant on the beloved; a thing that creates depression or sadness with the absence of the beloved, and a strong need for them.

    Some other kinds of love are formed between two people away from attraction or admiration, this is the one that grows with time and is fed by good nature. The opposite happens here, where attraction follows love, and not the contrary.

    The way to show love can be in actions, or in words. Usually love expresses itself byitself, yet because love is problematic, people hesitate in showing it, and moreover it is more often confused with other feelings. So some people feel the need to show it.

    How to show it?

    Some people go right away and put it plain (not always recommended), others wait for the right time where the two become aware of it yet both need to be reassured so that they can form a stronger bound and feel certain about it.  

  6. Love is when someone else' wellbeing becomes more important to you than your own.

    It is an extremely common feeling for parents to have towards their children (especially when the children are youn) - but rare in almost all other contexts.

  7. my grandmother once said, NEVER SETTLE FOR THE ONE YOU CAN LIVE WITH, BUT HOLD OUT FOR THE ONE YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT!! smart lady!!!! i think love is being selfless, wanting the best for someone without anything benefiting you. uncomplicated, uninhibited, selflessness...

  8. When you want to strangle your significant other, but at the same moment you just want to kiss them cause they look so cute when there mad!!

  9. hmmmmm......not an easy question to answer. First of all, being "in love" has always sounded a little artificial to me. Like, when someone says, "I'm in love with him/I'm in love with her" it doesn't sound like they really love the person. It sounds like they're in love with an aspect of that person.


    that's all I have to say about love.

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