
How do you define vegan?

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Vegetarians do not eat any animal products including eggs and fishes. My question is, IS THERE a difference between Vegetarian and Vegan?




  1. Someone that does not use or eat any animal products.

  2. vegan is so strict absoulty nothing from animals and most the time vegans are organic like organic fuit and such...

  3. No . . .

    Meat(includes fish)









  4. Yes there is a difference.

    First of all some vegetarians do eat eggs. A lot don't, but you can still be considered a vegetarian if you do.

    Vegans don't eat any animals or any animal bi products.

    Bi products include eggs, dairy, leather, featheres, honey, gelatin (found in ice cream and jello) among other things.

    For a more extensive list of what to avoid if you're vegan visit

  5. No meat, no fish, no bird, no egg, no cheese.

    There are people who tell you they are "vegetarians" but they eat any combination of fish, bird, egg, or cheese.

    They believe that because they don't eat red meat, that they are vegetarians.

  6. Definition is hypocrisy...

    "Vegans’ tremendous humanity for animals is an abiding, overriding conviction in their lives."

    This of course is false when you consider all the field animals brutally killed by the combines and harvesters in the veggie fields.

    Vegans have humanity insofar as it does not interfere with their own personal convenience, as I just mentioned.

    Moles. voles, rabbits, mice, rats birds ALL DIE for a vegan diet.

    there is BLOOD on everyone's hands....some are  simply honest and admit it, while others choose hypocrisy

  7. The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that a vegan eliminates all animal products from his or her diet, including dairy. Those following a vegan lifestyle generally do not wear leather and avoid products made from animals such as wool, silk and down. Vegans’ tremendous humanity for animals is an abiding, overriding conviction in their lives.

    Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish or poultry, but might eat dairy products such as cheese, eggs, yogurt or milk. Vegetarians are not as predictable in their beliefs, as there are many reasons to become vegetarian that don’t necessarily include altruism as a primary motive. For example, many vegetarians have eliminated meat for the sake of their health. In fact, there are a great many people lumped into the category of vegetarian. Lacto-vegetarians will eat dairy, but not eggs. Ovo-vegetarians will eat eggs, but not dairy. Lacto-ovo vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products. The reasons for these choices are varied and based on individual beliefs. In some cases they are based on moral choices, and in others on dietary needs or simple preference.

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