
How do you do paper mashay?

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i wanna know how you take a ballon and but all this newspaper with glue on it and can make like a mask cousin did it in 8th or 7th grade but doesnt remeber how to anyone know!?...answers would be greatly appreciated and does anyone know if a dollar store like family dollar or dollar general or even dollar tree have craft paint?




  1. These sites should help

  2. Do you mean papier mache'? Stores like Michaels and Joanne's and Beverly's have sections in them with this technique. I have not seen craft paint in dollar stores but the stores I mention usually have coupons. You might try WalMart. ConnyL

  3. Ok ... basically you need PVA glue, newspaper, a balloon and a brush.  Blow up the balloon and tie the end in a knot.  Rip all the newspaper up into shreds or something like that (just easier to work with when it's in smaller pieces).  Put the brush in the glue and put some glue on the balloon.  Then add a shred of newspaper ontop of the glue and brush it over with more glue.  Keep doing this with more and more pieces of newspaper, always covering it in glue.  The glue is what will make it go hard.  Cover the balloon with about 2 or 3 layers of newspaper shreds and glue.  Once you're finished, leave it to dry - this will probably take at least a day, maybe more.  When it's dry (it should be hard), use a pin to pop the balloon (oh by the way, don't cover the whole balloon with newspaper, leave the bottom section free otherwise you won't be able to pop the balloon).  Then use paint ... poster paint is probably best or whatever else you want to decorate it and you can add wool for hair or different things like that.

    There's instructions for it here too...

    Some sites say you can use flour and water instead of glue ... it's up to you whatever you use.

    Good luck.

  4. I created paper mache sculptures in college. Get some wallpaper adhesive; it comes in powder form in a box, and mix it up, but make it thin. Then tear newspaper into strips. Smaller is better for detail, but takes longer. Soak the newspaper entirely in the glue solution and slap it on a blown up baloon. Once its about 1/4 inch thick, let it dry thoroughly. It really should dry overnight. Then cut the paper mache' with a very sharp craft knife -- it will be hard to cut! Of course this will pop your baloon, but if your paper mache is thoroughly dry, it shouldnt matter. Now paint your mask with acrylic craft paints; they are only about $1.69 for each color, or buy a little kit for a bit more. Glue some crepe paper ruffles to it or sequins or feathers, whatever you want, attach a piece of elastic string or a thin wooden dowel, and there you go, a beautiful mardi-gras mask!

  5. We used to water down Elmer's Glue and then run strips of newspaper through it and smooth them over a blown up balloon.  We did about 2 layers at a time and let is dry over night before putting the next two layers on.  Usually did 4 layers total.  Pop the balloon after it is completely dry and then cut the mask how you want and paint.

  6. i have'nt done paper mashe in ages BUT i think this is how u do it.first u get pvc glue (thick ones) then u mix it with a tiny bit of water. then u rip some newspaper into bits. blow up a ballon, and dip the newpaper into the glue, then cover the ballon. make sure u leave some place when u cover the ballon so later you can pop the ballon when the paper mashe sets.

  7. I vaguely remember doing paper mache in elementary school. We just mixed Elmer's Glue with water and used newspaper.

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