
How do you draw Freedom?

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I am finishing up a summer reading project. It was on the book Night, and we had to draw the main events without the use of words.

I'm on my last box, and it shows Elie Wiesel being freed. How do I portray this without words?




  1. The camp in the background and him walking away...maybe with shackles or handcuffs on his wrists and him breaking them.

  2. Bird flying out of a cage?  

  3. he should be standing in a field with his arms open wide and up in the air. the sky is filled the the scribble of free-formed pencil scribblings.

  4. Any number of ways.  The cliche of course is the bird, which I was going to recommend until I saw the person above me had.  That stopped me long enough to realize that yes it wasn't that original.  On the other hand it does suggest other things, such as an empty broken bird cage, or a jail cell with the door open or otherwise unconfining.  A simple drawing of someone following a beam of light out of a tunnel is another symbol.

    I hope those help.

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