
How do you dream?

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I've heard a lot of people dream in black and white not always color like I do. So I was wondering how you all dream.




  1. with my eyes closed

  2. Why would you want to know how people dream?

  3. I dream in 3D and in color. Like a Holo-Deck on Star Treck.

  4. i dream in colour i think its not so much the colour of ur dreams you kind of experience them more if you know what i mean, colour is just a bit of it

  5. Im dream about the 2004 phantom of the opera movie is.

    It goes to black and white, colour, and then black and white again. (:

  6. WET.

  7. Black and white.

  8. i'm pretty sure they're all in colour, but whenever i hear the question of colour or b+w dreams i'm not 100% sure. are you sure yours are in colour, or does you memory put the colour on them after you wake because that's what your used to??

    ^_^ dreams are pretty cool if you ask me.

  9. i dream in color and sometimes i feel like i can feel things in my dreams.

    if i get hit by a car in my dream i wake up and im out of breath...pretty kool huh?

  10. I dream in color always and i have the most crazy messed up dreams you could think of! But there usually pretty fun since i usually know im dreaming.
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