
How do you feel about...?

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I forget what it is called. It is when you nurse another persons child, or your child nurses from someone else.

How do you feel about it?




  1. It is called being a wet-nurse.

    I wouldnt be comfortable with it myself, but if it is your thing, go ahead.  Wet nurses have been used for centuries, i bet some babies would have died without them.

  2. I've heard it called "cross-nursing."  Actually, some women are doing this when it's not a necessity like it used to be in the old days.  These women are swapping babies and I think it is totally weird.  Why would you ever want your baby to bond with another woman?  also, some women do it when they can't breastfeed and don't want to feed formula because they believe it is rat poison or something.  In that instance, I think you are doing more harm to your child by allowing someone else to nurse them than you are by feeding formula.  A small minority of people can sometimes have a loud voice.  

  3. I think it's strange...but if it was a close friend/family member that asked me to nurse her child I'd think about it, but I don't think I'd like another mom nursing my baby. Is 'wet nurse' the phrase you were looking for?

  4. I dont like nursing in freaks me out!

  5. I wouldn't do it but I don't have a problem with it.

  6. I think thats weird. I couldnt imagine letting someone else nurse my son. Im his mom if anyones gonna do it its gonna be me!

  7. You mean using/being a wet nurse?

    Personally, I would only do it if I knew that person pretty well and vice versa.  I wouldn't nurse some random person's child just for the heck of it.  Otherwise I feel good about it.  If someone I knew needed or wanted me to do it I would.

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