
How do you feel about.....?

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I would like to know honest opinions.

How do you feel about the ever growing rate of non nationals coming into Ireland over the last few years?




  1. i think it's fantastic

    there is a real diversity about the place instead of just the one gives a good boost to our economy,and take up the jobs irish people don't want to do

    as long as they don't sponge of the state,let's be honest enough irish people do that already,i have no problem with them

  2. You mean Republic of Ireland. In the north as in all parts of Uk they are welcomed. Dont know about Republic.

  3. I think it's great. Ireland has been so insular for so long, and culturally speaking our greatest assets - music, literature, art - are all a result of foreigners coming in and influencing Irish musicians, writers and artists. Irish music is strongly Mediterrean and African in feel, which we can owe to traders from these countries in Mediaeval times, whose descendents still live here. And of course the English invaders may have done the Irish a huge favour in terms of literature, as Irish writers were forced to use English - and where would the world of literature be without James Joyce, Mary Shelley, WB Yeats? As Anglo-Irish, all these were products of two worlds: they were articulate in one language and world but had the sensitivities, imagination, vision and otherworldliness of the other older language and culture. And as for painters like Jack B Yeats, Lous le Brocquy, John Shinnors, all are products of the melting pot of Ireland of the past, so why not take what's coming in and add it to the melting pot to make an even more interesting future?

  4. Honestly, I think it's great.

    It gives a brilliant Economic boom, It makes some (not all) people less ignorant and It shows children AND adults other cultures.

    The only bad thing I have to say about it is that it is a little annoying when they don't make an effort to learn English.

    = )



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