
How do you feel better? Sad?

by  |  earlier

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I've been sad all day. I had a headache ever since this morning, tired all day, and had bulimic urges all day long. I'm frustrated and sad about the urges I don't know what else to do anymore. I sometimes feel like giving into the urges and throwing up, just to feel better, but I know that's a lie. I haven't purged since 2002! This is so frustrating and I'm so scared! Does anyone know how to fight urges? and feel better?

Just sad, scared, and depressed....

Thanks for all your help everyone!




  1. Think of a happy place and listen to your favorite song from your favorite band and take a nap. Fight the urges using will power! Say to yourself I am a great person and I don't need to do this to myself! Talk to your mom, your friends, your dad, and anyone who makes you feel good. Pray and hope that tomorrow is a better day.

    Remember you are worth something you are somebody and many people care about you. Be happy you are who you are and don't change for anyone.

    Good luck and lots of love to you :-)

  2. Keep yourself entertained and then you wont think about them

    try out different things like hanging out with friends

    whatever you do dont give in

    its not good for you and you know it

    eat something and take painkillers for the headache

    good luck

    hope you feel better

  3. call your Mom

  4. try talking to a close friend about it. friends will always be there to support you. and if ur feeling sad hang out with friends and just goof around. if non of that helps see a counselor. thats wat they are there for.

  5. The best thing to do is take your mind off of yourself and get involved with others. Help others who have problems, and you'll be surprised at how much it helps you.

    Obviously if you have a serious eating issue, you need to get help. I have a friend who has dealt with this.  But one of the best things for her was getting out and staying active and involved. If you spend all your free time doing noting productive, you'll be more prone to be sad and give into your old bad lifestyles. Get out there and do for others!

  6. do something you like--for instance go shopping.

  7. Corona

  8. Retail therapy xx just a bit of shopping should do the trick. Take someone (a best friend) with you to look after you x treat yourself

    good luck x

  9. Well first I would take a nap. It gets rid of pain for me. Then i read the blue day book from hallmark. u should get a copy! i always smile at the end! :)

  10. I'm happy now but a bit cranky

  11. Mentally you need to take your mind off of the distraction which is bothering you.  

  12. call your friends tell them to come over immediatly to get your mind off of it, and dont throw up your probably really skinny and beautiful and dont need to do that to yourself hun. I had times where i wanted to almost commit suicide and it was just a sickness of the head, but once you really find your inner beauty and love yourself for you i PROMISE one thousand percent, those urges will stop. And having ppl around a lot wouldnt hurt just so u could take ur mind off of it but pretty soon you wont even be thinking about it :D

  13. meet u new friends or go out with old one's i know depress it's part of my life text me if u want to sorry what ur going thru

  14. Call someone who knows what you did in the past and they will help you get past it. It is all in your mind and you need someone to talk to.  

  15. i listens to my favorite happy songs : )

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