
How do you fight someone??

by  |  earlier

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I'm too girly to fight!!




  1. I would suggest you to avoid any such situation.

    But if things get worst, then you should not take a lot of time in holding each other's hair or neck in anger.

    The best way to over it in a short time is 'stand two steps away from her. Kick her on her waist. She will BEND down. Then IMMEDIATELY face to the opposite, keep your arm which is closer to her at that moment under her bowed down neck. Hold the other arm over back of her head. This lets you hold her face. Remember that your face should be opposite to her.

    Then fall on ground on your butts by lifting your both legs up. Don't leave her head anyway while doing this step. This might hurt you on your butt (a little practice is needed once or twice) but she will get stunned deeply and will not be able to recognize where she is.'

    This action that I mentioned you in two paragraphs is done within 7 seconds and every thing will be over.

  2. if it is unavoidable, the punch her in the nose...

  3. First try and resolve it with words, lots of fights are over stupid things...

    If it comes down to it keep your guard up, make a nice fist, then punch from your hip.

    Chances are you'll forget all of this as this other girl gets within 2ft of you.

  4. Don't fight. Fighting's ridiculous.

    It sounds silly, but if you're sure it's not going to end up being a bunch of others attacking you, you can wrap your arms around the outside of her arms, grab your own wrist, put the back of your head against her jaw, and push forward as you kick her legs out from under her (your heel against her achilles should do the trick). Then you just hug her until she agrees to give up. Just make sure you wrap your legs around hers to keep her from kicking out and rolling you onto your back. No one really gets hurt and you can probably laugh about it later.

    I don't really recommend that -- I don't like being tied up on the ground because there could be another attacker. If she starts throwing punches, just move. I move in, but I have training. You'll have to decide whether to move in or out, but never in a straight line. Move around your room using only 45-degree angles to see what I mean. When people fight, they tend to circle, then move straight back and straight forward. Use angles to give yourself openings. Use open palms to strike (try hitting your hand with the heel of your palm -- the section closest to your wrist) and shout loudly "I don't want to fight you" to draw attention to the fact you're defending yourself and have no choice. It might also dissuade her, and it'll surely bring someone along faster. If you can push her down or she trips or whatever, run. Remember, it's not about beating the other person, but about protecting yourself. Only your ego keeps you there. If she tries to tackle you, protect your head and keep your arms from being pinned. Cup your hands and strike her ears if you get a chance. Remember: there's no such thing as a fair fight. If someone comes up to break up the fight, say something like, "Oh, thank God. I thought no one would help me." It's not a matter of what people see, but what they think they see. Give them an excuse to see you as a victim and they will.

  5. pepper spray or teaser , possibly a gun ?, why just not report her  

  6. first you fill a pool with either mud or baby oil depending on your preference then order a bunch of kegs and invite a bunch of friends over and do the thing

  7. I used to fight a lot with my sister when we were still kids. And by kids, I mean me as a 12-year-old and my sister as a 16-year-old. We often counter with more words than actions. I always win, because my brain is quicker and sharper in thinking up retorts and counters. If she is exasperated by this, she resorts to attacking me. She usually hits me in the arm. I kick her shin. Just remember, words hurt more than actions. Our fights weren't just stupid, useless "That's mine!" arguments. It was serious action.

  8. Try not to fight as it is never a smart way to resolve conflicts.  But, if the other girl invades your personal space and attacks you, do your best to keep distance between her and yourself.  If you have to punch, try to use your entire body.

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