
How do you get a visa?

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After I finish college I want to move to the USA, I am from the UK.

How do I get an accepted visa?

Do I need to get the right income to support me? Like if I am paying $2000 a month on rent, and my job pays me $2000, I would be rejected a visa, because I will need more money for bills, food etc ( that's an example by the way).

I really don't understand this whole thing.





  2. Well, if you want to move to the US permanently,you'll need an immigrant visa. these are mostly based on family relationships, so unless you already have an American or green card holding spouse or parent, or an American adult child or brother or sister, this route won't work for you. there are long term work visas that could lead to immigrant status, like the H1b skilled employment visa, but those can be very difficult to get as they are invariably oversubscribed. You might consider going to grad school, which could also lead to legal employment. Otherwise, it's hard to say what would work for you. Check out and for information on immigrant petitions and visas.
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