
How do you get dreams?

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I had the best dream last night. The guy I have a huge crush on ever since I was in fourth grade(im going into freshmen now) asked me to go out with him in my dream. I was wondering how did I dream this. And what might give me dreams. Becaues I wasnt even thinking about him before I went to sleep. He lives right around the corner from me. Is it possible that he couldve had the same dream too? Please help me and I do wish this dream would come true. Me and him used to hang out from fourth to the begining of 6th grade but I don't know why we stopped.

Help me try to figure out what gave me this dream. I'm also religious if that helps any?




  1. First of all, dream that you have reflects your desire subconsciously.  You don't need to think about something right before you sleep in order to dream about it.  

    This guy in your dream may symbolize  your desire, the desire of close relationship. Since he is a huge crush, that means you have this imagination or desire to have him asked you out stored in your subconscious mind.  What trigged the dream is really the question.  Perhaps, it is from media effect, some scene from TV, Movie, actual event like friends' talking about it.  and so on may also the reason you had this dream out.

    As far as whether he will have the same dream. It is highly unlikely unless both of your mind have experienced something.  Let's say two of the people have gone on the same vacation, same bad experience, that will be more likely they have similar dream.  In his case, I don't think that he will have the same dream unless he has the tendency to ask you out in some aspect of his life.

  2. You can't really make yourself get dreams.  They are like the mail.... they just basically get delivered.  You can't really "order" them from a catalog! ; - )

    There is ONE way to get dreams, but it is not "on demand".  When you ask God a question, SOMETIMES He uses a dream or dreams as part of the answer.  But you can't start using them as a fortune telling device.  It doesn't work that way.  

    If you keep having dreams about this guy, there might be a reason for that.  Who knows?  Maybe you could invite him over to ride horses or something.

  3. Hey, you're a growing girl, and you have revived some fond memories to match some developing interests- more I cannot say.

    Religion is meant mostly to be a regulation system on emotions- it may do some other things at birth, death and marriage, tho.

  4. Well it is either random firing of memories in your brain,

    or your sub-conscience playing out desires.
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