
How do you get into radio...???

by  |  earlier

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like how would you get to be a presenter or somthin on radio...?

what degree would you have to do at university...?

and how would you actually get to have a job in a radio station...?

thnks so much




  1. you would have to call the radio station you want to work for and ask for a job. dont be rude though, just ask if they are hiring

  2. I've been in broadcasting for 18 years approximately, and worked in radio.

    Trade schools are helpful. If you're good, odds are an instructor will recognize that and will hint to a friend at a station about you.

    I wouldn't waste my time and money on a degree.

    In radio there is a great deal of right place at the right time going on.


    Call around, lousy stations first. Big conglomerates won't even answer your phone call.

    Practice, record yourself, listen back, judge yourself, ask friends, practice more. Listen closely to how others speak. Ask the smallest station around for a job, weekend fill-in, whatever.

    I started out playing recorded programs on Sunday nights. One show went off, there was time to fill, I got to play music and announce the songs. Some years later, I've been on the air in every shift at one time or another, program director, production director, engineer. I've done news, sports, and sales.

    Be prepared to be very poor for a while.

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