
How do you learn to deal...

by  |  earlier

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With something/someone you can't have?




  1. you cant always get what you want. and sometimes, people only want what they cant have. so, if i were you, i would just get over it. unless you want to wait for it to come to you. thats works sometimes as well, but, you might be waiting a while.

  2. Who's to say that you can't have it. A wise girl once told me that she believed in fate and everything happens for a reason, you should take your..oops, I mean her advice

  3. Which is it. something or someone?  If it is something then save up your cents and dollars until you can afford it.  If it is someone, then forget about them and move on as there probably is another someone you can get.

  4. focus on something someone else and it will fade away

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