
How do you like to study?

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I am looking for new studying ideas; so far I came up with flash cards.

math and American goverment are the subjects by the way.




  1. Well most of the time I would have to say, the best way that I've studded in the past, is in total peace+quite, I like to keep my concentration at it's best, less distractions, the better...otherwise, yes, I would say that flash cards are a pretty good way of studding, then you got memory games, write, and re-write, certain notes , maybe adding things as you go along, trying to remember more+more details each time...As for maths, you can try simple arithmetic games, a goodish adding, or, multiplications games i'd play was with playing cards, take out, (or if u like keep them in), and deal them out one at a time, adding them up till you get to 101, and start again, you can even start at 101, and take away the value of the next card, or even as many cards as you like, do simple multiplication them as you go by, etc, etc, etc, just simple games like that, has made my mental arithmetic quite sharp, hope that helps a bit...  

  2. well for anantomy I used coloring books.  Also i came up with anagrams.

    To memorize portions in the brain I came up with a dirty saying that started with the first letter of each part in the brain working inward.

    I only remember part of the brain but I remember my dirty anagram lol

  3. Write and rewrite your notes.  That's how I learn things, usually.

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