
How do you measure success?

by Guest64931  |  earlier

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How do you measure success?




  1. if you're proud of what you have done, then that's success

  2. We can never get full success because we are humans we always want more and more and more... if our goal is to make a family, make descent money, have kids, be healthy  and we have ALL THIS we still would want more. we still complain. so the only way you can measure success is if you optimistic about your measurements.  

  3. Success is ,much like beauty, in the eye of the beholder.

    To a person success means accomplishing what they wanted, reaching their dreams. :)

  4. you can't measure success

  5. Most of the world measures success on a material rating scale, as in, the size of your bank account and home, your ability to direct your own life and your ability to complete the tasks that you have started.

    What about your ability to contribute to your organization?

  6. according to your the level of your fullfilment. Once you are satisfied with things you have achieved /done you know how good it feels. It will be different for everyone.

  7. With a ruler

  8. the frequency you find yourself bragging to others about it.

  9. if you meet the goals you set for yourself.  if you are truly happy with your life then you got it.

  10. if you accomplish what you set out to do. if you set out to rob a bank and you did it then i think it counts as success. but then theres different levels of success. theres merely achieving ur goal and surpassing it. i would say for the most part it is doing something that you envisioned and doing it well enough to make you proud or happy.

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