
How do you meditate?

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I am trying to start meditating to get over a break-up and problems at my job. When you meditate, what do you do? How do you relax your mind enough to let these things melt away?




  1. A simple way that works for me is to count.

    Concentrate on the numbers and nothing else.

    Like most things, it can take some practice.

    Even so, this way may not work for you.

  2. As a beginner I would start meditating by using a mantra and focus on your breath.  A mantra could be a thing like a ring like I used to use because of its sentimental value, but it also could be a word or a phrase like love, peace, to find peace.  When you are sitting in meditation and it will happen that your mind will go else where focus on your mantra and then find your breath.  It will take time to get your mind not to wander.  However there is nothing better than being that calm and centered after you meditate.

  3. Since I have received Reiki Level I attunements I have three Reiki CD's I play which direct my practice and help me greatly to maintain focus for 30 minute and hourly sessions.

    You might try looking for something similar for general meditation.  I use the Reiki in animal shelters which at times can be quite bustling with lots of external input so I can "shut out" the flack with the CD's.  I also use them for sessions at night at home before sleeping.

  4. First you find a very quiet spot that very comfortable to you and has pretty scenery.  Think of nothing or think of everything but make sure your body is relaxed.  When you are finished you should feel calm.

  5. I do a walking meditation. In a park or somewhere peaceful.  I walk for about an hour just feeling nature.  I have been meditating for over 30 years and I use different exercises.  One constant thing is when I find my mind wandering I just bring it back.  sometimes I have to do it several times in a 20 minute session.  Sometimes, I am able to go within  very easily.
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