
How do you not quit??????

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Hi. My name is Quitter because I quit everything I start. But I want to change my name. The only way I can do that is if I do something and stick with it, which I have never done. It seems everything I start to do gets to hard and frustrating, and then I just quit. Any advice?




  1. i quit if i see somthing as not worth it - if my hearts not in it i wont put in my heart - thats it  

  2. You just have issues in your life.... When peoples attention spans are short, they have a tendency to quit.... The same is said for doing something that is time consuming and tedious! I have gone throught the same thing too. You just block out all other things and concentrate fully at the task at hand!!!! Little by little you overcome this plateau!!!

  3. If you are trying to do something but you want to quit tell your self "Dont quit you can do this, I know you can!!" Or else have someone else say it. Once you finish it I know you will be really proud of your self

  4. Don't quit breathing.

  5. Everyone is scared of failing and that is why most people quit. The first thing to do is make a goal in the morning. Make is small and eaily accomplishable for instace "I will make my bed everyday this week." Thats easy and only takes two minutes. After the first week take it to the next step. Ex. "I will read five pages of my school book (or any book) a day." Making easy obtainable goals will build self-esteem and you won't be scared of failure. Also, when wanting to quit, think about the REAL reason you want to quit. It's hard? Reflect, why is it hard? How can I make this easier with smaller goals. Try that for one month. It should work

  6. perhaps the first step is looking at all the small things you do complete, as small as lets say actually posting this question that was a completed goal although you probably don't think so. the trick here I think is to continue with small tasks and recognizing when you have fulfilled these goals. then just let the task grow. paint a wall , and then a room.kind of approach. you will feel the wonders of a job well done sooner than you think. Good luck

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