
How do you overcome procrastination?

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What causes procrastination and what are some techniques to move beyond it quickly? I have work to do due tomorrow and have put it off because it is daunting.




  1. Tell yourself. Ah let me get this over with quickly so that I can enjoy the rest of the day.

    Schedule it in, like setting an appointment with yourself. Then just do it. No distractions, no going to the toilet, no coffee, just do it.  

  2. Put yourself in a place where there are no distractions and you can not procrastinate.

  3. Get a calender and mark off the dates what your going to do then DO IT.

    I always give myself punishments if i don't like I can't go on the computer for a day or something

  4. Procrastination is a sign that you DON'T want to do it. You ASSUME it will get done, you ASSUME it won't hurt you in the long run.

    You should always do things you don't want to do in the beginning. Get it over with, so you can spend the remaining sweet time you have, not worrying about them.

    It took me awhile, but I can proudly say, I AM A RETIRED PROCRASTINATOR. :)

  5. You should be working

  6. Write down your answers to your question at least 5 each before you think out loud.

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