
How do you perform screamo?

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i want to learn how to scream like devil wears prada, but when i try, its realy quiet, it sounds great but its more like a whisper, im 14 and ive bin singing for...2 years, and my freind nick says screamo is bad for youre voice, but im gonna be in a band and im willing to risk it :) i realy like screamo, and i also heard from someone who is great at it, swallowing, a raw egg before performing it, is good, is that true?




  1. Despite what the accomplished musician above said, screamo is definitely music.

    Now the trick is to scream from your diaphragm. You can tell when you are because you'll be forced to tighten your upper abs. When you scream, open up the back of your mouth and close your throat just enough to get that rough gravely sound.

    As for the egg, yeah, it will help beause the protein coats your throat so it won't get so damaged but there is a risk of salmonella and E. coli. Trust me, if you have food poisoning, you won't be doing anything for a while. So I would suggest drinking alot of water. No sugar, no citrus, no milk. Those will make your throat more prone to tearing. Take non-medicated cough drops.

    A word of advice: You are very young but you sound very dedicated and confident. Being in a band is not easy and it's not all fun. Even a garage band. You have to be willing to put in hours of rehearsal and, as a singer, extra time writing and contemplating and striving to make yourself and your band better. You have to be a leader which takes alot of strength and effort. Your bandmates are gonna get annoyed with you and get in your face but you have to be confident, even slightly arrogant at times, to get things done. At the same time, you have to listen to what your bandmates are saying. So basically, you have to be mildly bipolar. Hey, it worked for Axl Rose (if you don't know who that is, I may have to send the mafia). Good luck. Rock on!

  2. "Screamo", is by far, not even music.

    It's just, i do not know how you can listen to SCREAMING.

    I do not get people like you.

    Raw eggs = salmonella.

    And yeah, screaming for a half hour is not great for a voice (but maybe that will add to the S****y effect)

  3. don't eat a raw egg!

    that has a big potential for having fatal disease. that's why they need to be cooked!

    anyways.....SCREAMING IS AN ART. it is an art that takes alot of practice to perfect.

    screamers, such as Mike or Jeremy from the devil wears prada, have probably had lessons. there are really coaches out there that help train you to scream. it is helpful, and it saves your voice.

    rule #1-

    drink water constantly! before, durings, and after screaming or singing.

    rule # 2-

    warm up before screaming/singing. you could do some scales, or do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do, or etc.

    rule #3-

    don't scream any more then necissary. don't just randomly scream at something, or something dumb. only scream when rehearsing or performing

    rule #4-

    try to get lessons from someone. screaming can make you have permanent damage to your vocal chords. and you'll never be able to sing again! so please try to get someone to teach you how to properly scream.

    when you scream, DO NOT! use your throat, AT ALL!

    the boost needs to come from your diaphram. almost like you are trying to.......poo? i know, gross but it's the best way to describe it. and remember, DRINK WATER CONSTANTLY!

    hope this helps somewhat.

    screaming is the best way to express emotion in song.

    and i simply am in love with it.

    <33 rock on sweetie.

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