
How do you pick your church?

by Guest60270  |  earlier

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to get married in if your not a religious person?

What church can we get married in?

Baptist,Catholic? Like does it matter?





  1. There are lots of options open to you

    You can get married in the church one set of parents are part of.

    You can look for a non-denominational church which will do a religious ceremony with out specific denomination involved.

    If neither of you are religious and a church isn't a big thing for you look at getting a justice of the peace or other wedding officiant to do a ceremony at another location. Many reception sites offer places for ceremonies.

  2. if you really want to get married in a church there are nondinominational churches or you could get married somewhere else

  3. some churches - like catholic churches do not allow you to be married in their church unless both bride and groom are catholic. you should pick a "non-denominational church" which means it's not catholic, or baptist, etc. it's just open to anyone.

  4. Catholic church will not allow you if neither attends that church, and doubly so if neither is RC. Very few mainstream churches will marry you, because a lot of people want the church just as a pretty place for a wedding, because "that's where a wedding's supposed to be", rather than for a worship service. However, they might be willing to rent you the facilities. I'd actually recommend a museum or hall which looks like a church, as they will give you less hassle.

  5. If your have relatives or friends who are members of a church, you could ask them if their church would allow you to hold the ceremony there.  Someone also mentioned trying non-denominational churches.

    If it's not necessary for you to have it in a church, then you could try other places since you aren't religious.

    Congratulations and good luck!

  6. You will not be able to get married in a Catholic church unless you or your fiance is a practicing Catholic.

    Most people get married in the church they or their parents attend.  I don't understand wanting to get married in a church (which is a religious place) if you are not religious.  There are plenty of other beautiful venues to have a ceremony that are indoors (country clubs, large event centers).  Churches are not the only indoor ceremony venues.  I honestly think it's ridiculous and stupid to get married in a church if you do not believe what that particular church believes.  

  7. Well,you don't really have to get married in a church!You can get married in Hawaii on a beach,it doesn't matter as long as an ordained minister is there to make your marriage legal.But,if you really want a church,you can go make appointments to visit some that catch your attention and choose which ever you feel comfertable in .

  8. Unitarian Universalist

  9. there are some places that have old churches turned into banquet halls. so you can still have it in a church without being guilted into attending every week.  Or figure out what sect your beliefs most fit into, is it baptist, anglican, catholic, lutheran etc etc.  Once you can figure out which one you feel most comfortable start calling the local churches and ask to meet with the minister.  It's not just about the church, you want to make sure you get a long with your minister too.  That the personalities mesh nicely.

    and when it doubt google "churches" and whatever city you live in.

    Good luck, Congrats

  10. Call a church and ask to talk to the pastor, priest or minister. Tell him why you want to be married in a church and in particular that church.

    Episcopalian priests are usually pretty liberal (I go to an Episcopal church). Even telling him that you get a good feeling in the church is a good enough answer. Try going on a few Sundays to different churches and see what you think about it. I will tell you that the Catholics will make you become a Catholic before you can get married in their church. Don't feel like you have to make a commitment to become a member, you don't. Although, some of the best friends I have I met in church.

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