
How do you prepare yourself...?

by  |  earlier

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...if you are to leave for another country knowing that you wont be back to your hometown for a long while, or even forever.




  1. Spend as much time with my loved ones as I can.

    Travel to my favorite local destinations, take photos and weave beautiful memories that I will look back to with smiles and fondness.

    Pack all of my important stuff, especially my keepsakes and bring them with me when I travel.

    Organize my address book and make sure that I have the contact numbers, email addresses and other vital contact information of my friends and loved ones.

  2. i would take mementos, pix,..i'd hang out with my friends, and make sure i have their contact details, visit my favorite places,..if i were you, i wouldn't worry too much,.anyway your home is just a planeride away..just have fun! :)  Bon Voyage

  3. party almost every night! i want to enjoy the company of my friends coz i sure as h**l gonna miss them.

  4. easy... think of what might happen if you didn't leave. you'll just end up regretting a wasted opportunity to have had a probably better life in another country (if you are leaving for a "better" country).

  5. i don't really know.

    when i leave for somewhere, it will just be for a while, not a long while nor forever. and i only leave home for reasons to make it better.

  6. leaving for australia has never been easy..i took all the contact numbers,addressess and email adds of my friends and relatives. it's a bit easy if you're family is already here.

    i took all my favorite things with me and all the letters and presents given by them..

  7. sorted important stuff from those less important stuff...

    going over your baggage can be expensive , hehehe...

  8. Make every bonding with my friends the best until my departure!

  9. never think of never coming back.  it is easier that way.

  10. take lots of pictures!!!! and try to think that u might visit it again one day....never is an awfullly long time!

  11. I would make sure I have everyones contact info and vice verse. You can't think about it too much but to move forward. That is why change is good! It makes you a stronger person and teaches you how to adapt. But don't ever forget where you came from.

  12. Are you talking about physical, psychological, or emotional preparation?

    Physical :

    - get a new address book and encode all important numbers, address, email...

    - bring clothes that you only need.

    - spend more time with friends and relatives

    - take some token from your home so you could be reminded where you came from.

    Psychological :

    - dont sulk. theres a good reason why you are leaving anyway

    - its an experience. we cant find everything in your hometown

    - your home is where your heart is. its not just where you are now

    - people you will meet there

    Emotional :

    - you are not alone. even if you're far away, your friends and your family will always be there for you

    - its part of your destiny

    - seek guidance from the Lord, He will guide you wherever you go

    Good luck. may you be happy with your journey.

  13. I carry with me all the valuable things that was given to by my friends and relatives, such as letters, pictures, and others... also, we get to exchange phone and/or cellphone numbers, e-mail addresses, or even home addresses, so that we won't lose contact...

    It's really hard leaving your hometown... just be strong and think positive... don't think that you'll never go back...

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