
How do you pronounce Gnocchi??

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Just curious on your opinions..I have heard "yonkey" "ga-notchy" "nee yo chi" ....I just call it "no - key" thankfully they understand what I am talking about when I order it. Anyone Italian (or otherwise) who really knows how to pronounce this right?? ( I have been messing it up for years) : ) Thanks




  1. nee yo key  I make it all the time a potato dumpling it is great with a tomato cream sauce and some Parmesan.  This way may also help you  knee yoo key  

  2. the G is silent nee yo chi.

  3. N'YOH-kee

    Try this simple recipe for Lemon Gnocchi:

  4. You're pronouncing it right! "Noh-kee" with a silent G

  5. Repeat after me....EN----YO----KEY

  6. Nyokee.I can't really break it down.That's what my friend's momsays.

  7. Nyokee!

  8. nyuh-kee

  9. G N O C C H I ....pronounce  GN like in the word agnostic  gn okee

  10. I would pronounce it "NOH - CHI." :)

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