
How do you raise a duckling?

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I have a small yellow, 3 week old duckling and I've been trying to raise it. We feed it lettuce and we give it a small dish of water so it can drink. We take it outside occaisionally for small swims in a pond and let it walk around. It cries a lot. We think its because its lonely. What else shall I do?




  1. foood




    tht really all

                                hope me helped

  2. there is special food you can feed it. it can be found in you local feed store. it would not be a bad idea to get another

  3. You are taking great care of it so all you need to do is get anther duck so it won't be lonely or just play with it more!

  4. Well...

    You have a common Pekin duckling. You can NOT just feed him lettuce. He needs to eat starter for ducks. NON medicated. This is at Tractor Supply Stores. The brand is Dumor feed. For all baby poultry. You can ive it a little lettuce and some fruits cut up in small portions. Not too much though. Never bread. It can be hard for them to digest it.

    Make sure that you let him outside often. You need a fenced in yard/area for it. You can then at night bring him in the garage, shed, or house if youd like but keep him outside durring hte day. He doesnt need  heatlamp any longer. Its good you have a pong but be carful so that snappign turtles dont kill it. I would fence in an area with chciken wire and put a hard plastic kiddy pool in the area. Dont worrie about him getting out, he cant ever fly. They are heavyweight duck breed.

    You can get him a friend before its too late. If he is any older he can become solitary if you ever get another duck and become duck agressive. Also it gives him a companion or buddy when you arnt there. He will be bothering you and crying when you arnt there with a duck there he can be happier. Make sure it the same age or a hair younger.

    Check out

    Make sure that the temperature is no less than 50 degrees. They need to be cooled expecially if its hot out.

  5. You can't help by nursing the duckling to make its lonliness need another duckling! Also if you have a pond, build chicken wire around it, it's like a pen, but it has your pond in it. You could just leave it out on the pond and check on it because ducks stay on the bank of the pond and don't wander very far. Good luck! ++Hannah++

  6. aww! thats so cute!  <3

    you seem to be taking care of it just fine (feeding, swimming, etc...).

    i think its just lonely... cause dont ducklings usually have their  mom with them 24/7?

  7. well if its lonely then get another one!!! try that and if it seems happier, then there you go!!! and some vet places treat those kind of animals and you can ask them anu questions and they will answer them!! or call a vet if u dont wanna go...... good luck :)

  8. your taking great care of him/her just get another one or play with it more

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