
How do you save money...?

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...and stop buying things based on impulse? There are so many things I want, like tshirts from bands and organizations, concert tickets, clothes, etc but I don't have enough to buy it all. How do I save my money (I have a job, so don't say 'get a job' =]), learn how to accept the fact that I can't have everything I want, and prioritize my wants?




  1. I think everyone runs into this issue.  Prioritizing helps, and also controlling your spending habits, learn not to buy on impulse.  Nothing anyone tells you will make you stop it is something you'll have to do.

    You can try putting a % of your money into a bank account and don't get a debit card for that account.  

    Budget and sticking to it

    get rid of credit cards and work on a cash basis

  2. Start a savings account and pay yourself first before you buy anything. You might enjoy watching your savings grow. Write down everything you buy for one month and of those items which were absolutely necessary. Maybe think of your long term "want" and start saving towards it.

  3. Try going to therapy.  You could have a condition similar to alcoholism.  Simply put, you are a shopaholic.  They have support groups that specialize in compulsive shopping.  Good luck.

  4. put some money into a seperate bank acount that you cant touch until you really need to or at a certain age or retirerment

  5. Use 90% of your paycheck and save up 10% of it.

  6. put it somewhere where it takes alot of time or energy to get it out

  7. get a hobby doesnt cost a lot of money

  8. When i have money in my wallet i will spend it no matter how hard i try to save it.

    Now I have a bank account and somehow i don't touch the money on it, maybe you should try that too. It helped me saving ;-)

  9. stray from places where such things are advertised.

  10. You have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T. What kind of cutbacks can you make? For example: I drink bottled water. Now at $1 a bottle on something that covers over 65% of our planet is not smart. So I bought one of those water filters that s***w into your faucet. I have bottles that I refil over and over again. I take them to work. Do you have a lot of small appliances around that house that are always on? I cut my electronic bill almost in half by unplugging all the clock radios and night lights. I also bought some of those florescent bulbs that look a lot like a regular bulb. These things use 80% less electricity than regular bulbs. You would be surprised, but these small things add up. I know I was spending money on the water filter and energy efficient bulbs but these things will pay for themselves in a month providing they pertain to you. If you really need the money right away start cutting back on your food costs. Romain noodles cost a dime and they taste just as good as campbells chicken noodle that costs $130 a can. Ok no chicken in romain noodles, but you are probably just missing about 4 tiny pieces of chicken. Put a brick inside your toilet 'chamber'. You will use a little lesser water each time you flush..Before you know it you will be ahead. Wanna be creative? Find yourself leaving lights on? Buy a motion sensor switch, the lights will turn on when you enter the room and will turn off (by a set amount of time) when you leave the room. I have one, they cost $15 at HomeDepot. So remember you have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T! Yours truly seahorsehawrey.

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