
How do you shutup your sister ??

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my sister keeps bothering me and she is 8 years old like hitting my head and but i be hiting her back and she be like i not gone nothing (HELP ME )




  1. Fighting isn't the answer but I must say that my brother and I used to duke it out. eyes and broken fingers

    We love each other to death now.  One day you'll look back and laugh with each other.

  2. try a good hard beating , that would stop the hitting.

  3. Ignore her if she hits you instead of feeding into it just take a walk with out her or go play with some of your friends and try to just get away from her.  I have seven sisters and they are just as annoying.  Good luck.

  4. She is doing it for attention. Sometimes kids will act out in what ever way they can to get any attention what so ever be it good or bad at that age. If she acts out in a manner you don't like don't react to it try your best to ignore it. But for this to work if she is being nice and behaved you have to make the time to give her attention or play with her for the type of attitude you want from her. Its kinda like don't respond to the bad but respond to the good.

  5. It's hard being an older sister and the little sister getting all up in ur stuff. But they only want your attention they look up to you because you are older. Don't hit her back just try to do more thing's with her and show her you can be her bf. Sister are forever  

  6. Find something for her to do that will keep her interest and she might leave you alone to do what you want. Fighting back only encourages her. She's probably just bored or wants attention. Which ever it is, you are not helping to resolve it when you strike back. Be constructive, not destructive.

  7. to shut her up.. shut her out simple as that. I do that a lot now and since I don't talk to them (brother and sister) they don't have a reason to bother me or in this case she doesn't have a reason to bother you try it it will work:) or if you don't want to do that talk to her and ask her why. whichever one you pick hope it works out:)bye

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