
How do you steer a windsurfer?

by Guest31941  |  earlier

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Hi all just got back from tunisia,whilst out their i had a go at windsurfing.Anyhow i was abit lost as to how to steer the thing,i know you turn the board into the wind e.t.c but how do you make go at say goto the right?

I snowboard and to turn the board in the direction you wish to travel you basically weight the edge and it will go into the direction,i tried this whilst windsurfing but it did not work.......any ideas?




  1. I'm a great believer in doing things how they come naturally but i have to say windsurfing is one of those things that i think you really need to have some tuition.

    To turn the board into the wind (tack) allow the end of the boom to drop down towards the back of the board. To turn  away from the wind (gybe) push the mast forwards towards the front of the board.

    The way it works is by moving the 'Centre of Effort' i.e where the wind actually pushes on the sail.

    If want to take things further i would recommend either doing a couple of hours taster session or a course with a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) accredited school. With modern equipment you should be able to pick things up pretty quickly.

    Good luck.


    You can usually go for a 2 hour taster session - about £40 or do RYA Level 1 which is a 2 day course which i think costs around £160.

  2. Sailing 101: you can never sail directly into the wind... So to sail up-wind you need to 'tack' which is basically zig-zagging.... To keep it simple you swing the sail down to the rear of the board to turn into the wind (holding in there will make you do a big circle, you will have to eventually step over to the other side of the sail) or leaning the whole rig foward will make you turn away from the wind, so that it's on your back (WARNING: Doing this in high winds can be dangerous , and can send you flying!) Good luck

  3. you steer it by shifting your weight

  4. with the steering buttons , its just below the glove compartment, u cant miss it

  5. steer it with your arms into the wind

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