
How do you think I look?

by  |  earlier

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Do I look smart? How old? Anything else? Be honest, I don't care if you're mean.

Don't tell me that I looks simply "pretty" or "ugly" tell me more about emotions, and beyond simply "happy" or "sad" a little complexity please




  1. ummmmmm you seem like a nice girl.

  2. You're really young. Do you smoke or something? You could be really pretty if you had your eyebrows done and maybe got low lights. Have you heard of proactive or acutane? They work really well, a gentle face wash every day helps too. Some light makeup when your face clears up would really enhance it. Have you heard of bring out the blue? Well they have it for whatever colour your eyes are. They also have highlight the blue, brown..etc. It even tells you how to apply it, and it looks amazing. Do you have naturally straight hair? Using a light conditioner everyday will make your hair look healthier and give it volume. You can also get a haircut.. maybe just get a new style..and that would work as well. You have natural beauty, you just need to bring it out more. Good luck kiddo!  

  3. Okay well i'm being truthful here..

    You look about 12.

    Your eyebrows are a mess!

    And you need to do something with your hair... and perhaps put some make-up on your face to make your skin look more even.

    Your smile looks fake to..

    But eh :)

    You look quite smart.!

  4. I think you look average.  

  5. Uh ... I dont want to be mean but ..

    Hair , brows , teeth = ew .

  6. Your average looking I guess.

  7. Oh no, *shakes head*

  8. You deff. need some makeup and something done with your teeth. You should also consider some acme meds to clear up your acme!! You should also do something with your hair and eyebrows!! Ps. Why did you ask this same question 3 times??

  9. when i see you, i think 'average'.

    here are some tips-

    wax you eyebrows,

    wear foundation and mascara,

    whiten your teeth (brush them more and use whitening strips),

    and try to make your hair look more well groomed and sleek.

  10. You extremely UGLY!!

    your fat

    your teeth are jacked up

    you faces is hideous!

    you hair a mess

    you have pimples/acne

    your eyesbrow are gross

    ew.. you need LOTS of HELP!


    honest truth!

  11. Go to the dentist and the dermatologists ASAP.

  12. im gunna say your young. try something to clear up your face, fix those teeth and brows and you'd look great!

  13. Well, your eyebrows could benefit from a little grooming.

    I would definitely do something about your acne, see a dermatologist.

    You have a nice smile except for that tooth.

    You could be very pretty

  14. ugly. and wtf is up with that tooth?!

  15. you look around thirteen.

    and i totally done mean this to be rude,

    but you need your eyebrows done.

    and you need to style your hair better

    and get something done to your teeth.

    you also should wear coverup/foundation to make your skin complexion even and cover up your problem spots.

    you could be veeeeeeeery very pretty !

    you look like you're super nice too

    im sorry i sounded rude!

  16. Wow! Marai is a bitc-. o_o

    You could use a different hairstyle. I think you would look nice with it up and what not (:

    And for your eyebrows, you might have to pluck a couple.

    Other then that, you're quite pretty ^^

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