
How do you view Legalism?

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Han Fei Tzu was an advocate of political Legalism. How do you view his philosophy, and what do you think it's advantages/disadvantages are vs. Confuciounism or any political philosophy of your choice? You can use the Qin dynasty as reference if you want.

Another question is, do you think it can be applied in any nation today without massive social upheaval?




  1. if the ruler is like a philosopher king as in plato's idea, plus an economist by today's standards and a legal expert and a humanitarian expert - that shld be fine.

    look at american presidents - they r more nuts than brilliance hence its not easy to find such a ruler.  

    by chance i came across new world order by reading the bahai writings.  and its another form of governance that should be considered.  here the king is not singular but a committee of 9 persons.  each taking a portfolio and together they govern.  

    these ideas are too old and today's problems cant be easily handled by a single person. maybe in an autocratic soceity, it maybe possible.  in not so westernized soc it maybe possible.  but the world trend is moving towards openness.

    mugabe and the likes of him in africa r exception.

    confucianist ideas tend to suggest non-creativity and again wont survive.

    we must see today and work out today's ideas and solutions.  and we use the past as a reference point

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