
How do you view this?

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Pretty girl knew an "alpha male" found her attractive. He said he was engaged and that women liked him better now, overly confident.

She was NOT attracted to him in the slightest bit physically or personality wise, but was civil.

He did a few favors for her (voting for her in an election, helped her get her books cheaper, showed her his assignment), she thanked him although always secretly annoyed by him.

He started making sexual comments, she laughed them off although secretly repulsed and allowed him to do one more favor for her.

He became an ***hole.

She ignored him.

He tried to her attention.

She ignored still.

Now, he just stares sheepishly at her all the time.

WHO used WHOM?

Does (S)HE know/think (s)he was used??




  1. "Pretty girl" had no problem playing along when she was getting something out of it.

  2. Shes the user because she got something from him, while he received nothing from her! She put out the wrong signals in order to give him the idea that he perhaps had a chance, and continued to accept favors that she had no business accepting if they werent at least friends!

  3. Wow! I would of stoped at Hello!

  4. He's got no business trying to get another woman's attention when he's engaged.

    But as soon as you let him do a few things for you, THAT is what caused him to think you were working on something together..

    It's just how the game goes, a guy will do things for you, if you let him, now he figures you owe and WANT his attention.

    You gotta not take the favors in the first place.Not any.

    I understand you didnt see the harm, but - really dont let a guy do ANYthing "for" you , or this is what will happen.

    It's actually  the human mating ritual that you inadvertantly started up, that dance of courtship that we do, so of course he's confused.(sheepish).

    He probably thought he was "doing well", getting GO signals, and then you shut him down. That hurts. It's rejection. And it's a vote of (he's) not ok).  Ya see?

  5. This sounds like your typical high school girl drama craphola...

    The woman used the man because the man got nothing out of it. She basically exploited his attraction to her and used him for favors.

    ALSO.. this man you speak of is NO ALPHA MALE. An Alpha male would never do favors for a woman in hopes of getting play. An Alpha male would flirt with her and tease her and IF she ignored him... no big deal because he has so many women chasing him that he will forget about her in a number of days / hours / minutes.

  6. She never made any promises.

  7. the answer is quiet obvious unless you happen to think like a woman.

  8. Neither one was used.

    He did the favors of his own volition, hoping it would get him some p***y; she never said "If you do this I'll sleep with you." He had free will and made those choices on his own, and it doesn't sound like she encouraged him or "led him on."

  9. So your basically saying:

    - Pretty girl knew a beta male who did all of her school work, That's why she gets grades she didn't deserve.

    - Pretty girl uses her looks to exploit beta males.

    - Pretty girl thinks so high of herself that she thinks that she's doing the beta male a favour when she asks him to do her a favour.

    - Pretty girl acts all surprised when the beta male doesn't want to do her assignments any more.

    - And all this time beta male didn't get anything in return.

    Other things that are disturbing:

    - She didn't like the guy but let him work for her.

    - She didn't said to the guy she wasn't interested in him when he made those sexual remarks. She should have said she wasn't interested.

  10. She used him. He received nothing.

  11. Nobody was used, he tried to push himself on her. What an oaf.

  12. Nobody used anybody.  It's easy for people to say "she should have told him from the start that she wasn't interested", but frankly, it's not easy to be that mean to another person to their face.  

    Furthermore, the idea that a woman supposedly owes a man s*x just for doing her a few favors is bullsh*t.  It's a FAVOR, the person whom you are doing it for does not owe you anything.  It was HIS choice to do the favors, and it's not like there is some rule out there that says if a man does favors, a woman has to sleep with him.

  13. Just another deceitful self-centered bi*ch.

    If she really did not like him, she should have been straightforward and told him so in his face instead of using him like that.

    I'm just glad I'm able to spot her type from a mile away.
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