
How do you wash Chicken?

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I am a guy that is about to embark on a BBQ. I know i need to wash the chicken, but how do go about doing this?

Please take me step by step, i have never done this before..




  1. Diffrent people do it diffrent ways. you can soak it and scub softly all around in water and lemon juicce. the leamon kills the bactieria. or water and viniger. dont ever just wash it in water because your not doing anything to it! hope i was helpfull

  2. I'm guessing you're buying a packaged chicken and not killing and cleaning your own.

    The objective of washing the chicken is to clean off the layer of juices that accumulated in the package, empty out any extra stuff the processor put into the chicken and clean off any small feathers the processor missed.  You're not trying to disinfect the chicken (like you're washing your hands).

    Washing a chicken is straight forward.

    1.  Take chicken out of the package.

    2.  Look inside the body cavity (if a whole chicken) and pull out the bag of goodies (neck, liver and gizzard).  I've also noticed that some brands just put that stuff back into the chicken without the bag.

    3.  Look at the the edges of the body cavity.  There's usually clumps of fat.  Pull that stuff off.  It just peels off.

    4.  Rinse the inside and and out with water.  Pull off any little feathers that may still be on the chicken.

    5.  Drain and towel dry.

    The important thing is to look into the body cavity and pull out the gizzards and stuff (step 2).

  3. Just rinse under cold water in the sink.  I usually take off any larger pieces of skin, any of the clear slimy stuff under the skin, and also any of brown blood that pools around the bone (usually only on breast meat).  Pat dry with paper towels so your seasoning sticks better.

  4. you just rinse the meat,,and then pat dry with paper towels  

  5. if you are cooking thighs u need to peel back the skin and with a knife remove all the gooey/ yellow fat and then rinse them in vinegar. Thin rinse in cold tap water. Any other chicken you can just rinse them in vinegar first and then in cold tap water.  

  6. There are no steps.  You rinse it well under cold, running water.  You can dab it dry as suggested or just shake excess water off.  NO product of any kind is used to "wash" raw chicken.  Make sure you DO use soap to wash your hands and any surface touched by the raw chicken.

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