
How do your pluck your eyebrows?

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i pluck mine...but im not sure im doing it right,,,can you tell me how long its suppossed to take and what i start with and what i do.. please im a 13 year old girl and like. i had to learn this all on my own. i dont have a mom.




  1. go to youtube.

    they have videos with professionals

    you are suppoed to get a pencil and place it over your pupil to decide where to arch.

    youtube will help you through it

  2. when i first learned, i went to a salon and had them waxed. After that, i just plucked anything that was out of place. Its easier after u have them waxed because then u have a sort of guiding line.

  3. i just pluck inbetween them so i don't get a unibrow and pluck the hairs that start to stick up.

  4. Ok...this isn't hard, it just takes some practice.  First you should get a white eyeliner pencil.  Take the pencil and hold in vertically on the tip of your nose.  Now (keeping it on the tip of your nose) line it up with the inside corner of your eye.  This is wear your eyebrow should begin.  Mark it with the white eye pencil.  Now do the same thing on the tip of your nose, but this time look straight ahead and line the pencil up with the black part of your eye.  This is where the highest part (the arch) of your eyebrow should be.  Mark this with the pencil.  Last do the same thing with the pencil on your nose and line it up with the outside corner of your eye.  This should be the end of your eyebrow.  That's how you shape them, but never over-tweeze.  You should always try to keep your natural shape.  Hope that helps!

  5. you just grab thew hair with the tweezers and pull really fast[:

  6. My best friend has fairly heavy eyebrows, and she's 12. View this link, it will probably help a lot.

  7. if you have thick eyebrows I would suggest you go get it done... i prefer indians who thread and they do a great job...  

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