
How does College work ?

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I'm 17 and I will be going to the New Durham College ,UK , which will start in 3 weeks .I will be taking the Hospitality and Tourism subject . How does college work ? Like school or what ?

Any answers welcome




  1. No need to be nervous now, its nothing too different, you'll know when you get there and it'll start to feel like something very regular on the first day itself.


  2. sorry not having any idea -i am just 14!

  3. It's the same as high school, except they rape you with a bigger workload, and you will be wasted half of the week.  

  4. It is not much different from high school but you actually have to make the grade or you wasted a lot of time and money because you will have to retake the class if you want to graduate....and you get to control how quickly you get to graduate...You also get to chose your class load so you can make the grades....

    Good is fun.

  5. i usually sleep during class and do everything at the last minute

  6. I'm sure what you mean by how does it work?

    any other details?

    but as far as i can gather from you question

    yes its basically school in your own clothes

    with free periods and you not hounded as bad for not being there (Y)

  7. I am  24  so I've been to college. I think  regardless of  where colleges are  located  they all work  pretty much the  same.  It is  a   fun time  and  les structured  than previous schools.  There  are also  numerous  clases   you can take.  

  8. Usually college is nothing like school. You are treated like an adult. They may give lessons in the same way - sit the class down, talk and do exercises, but it probably won't be like that every class. If you have assigments they will explain what you need to know and let you get on with it

  9. Liek school but you can do your own thing pretty much. More relaxed, and a more friendly attitude with teachers.

    Also the onus is on you to succeed- the teachers will not wipe your a*se for you! if you're not pulling your weight they will let you fail!!

  10. -you call teachers/tutors by their first name- no need to call them mr, miss or mrs

    -sometimes the teachers will have a much friendlier and casual approach and treat you as if you are a mate of theirs

    -it's a less formal approach than in school

    -the main onus is on you to succeed, sure the teachers will help you when possible but its your duty to work to the best of your ability and study hard

    - you don't have to wear a uniform

    - on some cases, depending on what course you take, you might be studying say 4 days a week, as opposed to attending college every day

    -in a class, there will be people of mixed abilities, as well as different ages, nationalities, races, when in school you were with pupils of the same age as yourself

  11. It is just like school only different.

  12. you pay them a sh*t load of money and they -LEARN YOU-

  13. your not pushed as hard as in school it depends on your will and desire to suceed. you have frees to catch up with your work everyone is usually level headed and nice people there are some retards who shouldnt be there but are there anyway you just have to accept them .

    word of advice plan ahead of schedule do some sport activity to keep yourself fit i gained a bit of weight. at my college the teachers are pretty cool intellegent and some times swear they would rather be your friend than just a teacher.  

  14. is a big building full of peeples gettin a goods edumacation so they can become lawyers and s***w us over..duh

  15. College is alot more laid back than school.

    You are treated like an adult.

    Unlike school you choose to go to college so people actually want to be there and are there for a reason.

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