
How does a flashbang grenade work?

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How does a flashbang grenade work?




  1. dougger,just because you got that ridiculous orange badge doesn't mean you know much at all.These grenades disorientate you,thats why they flash in the first place to stop you being able to see and the bang to damage your hearing (temporarily)


  3. Are you asking about the shock grenades that police sometimes use to stun people but not blow them apart?  If so, then...

    They use a weaker powder usually with a high magnesium content (makes the great flash) in a soft paper or very light plastic covering.  What does the damage in regular grenades is the shrapnel formed by the hard metal casing. (Often grenades are scored or molded with weak spots so the metal flies apart more easily.)   The light weight casing has almost no ability to penetrate anything (well, eyes goes out easily) despite their speed because they weigh next to nothing and are flexible.

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