
How does college work?

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I'm still confused as to how the college life works, as embarrassing as I am to admit it. I did a little research, but the information that I found only added to my confusion.

1) How do the hours work and credits work in college?

2) What are class schedules like?

3) Is attendance mandatory, like every day?

4) I've heard from my teachers that the only grades you'll have in college are exams, is this true for all colleges...or does it vary with colleges?

5) The thing I'm most confused about is the major. I want to go to pharmaceutical school... but I don't really know where to go from there. First of all, what are major and minor major?

For those who have been down this road, it would be very helpful if you can tell me a little about your college experience. I'm preparing to get into college, and I guess I'm just nervous, yet excited, but also scared because I'm going to be so far away from the people and places that I know.




  1. 1) Most classes are 3 credits but some vary from 1 to 5 depending on the amount of work and difficulty of the class.

    2) Depends on the school you are planning to attend but at my school, we have MWF (50mins), TTH (1hr, 15mins).

    3) Large Lectures, not mandatory. Small classes is a maybe, solely depending on the professor.

    4) This for the most part is true, your grades are based on 3 exams and a final but it depends on your teacher and the type of class you are taking.

    5) Don't know much about pharmaceutical school but during your first semester of college you should talk to an academic advisor so you can plan out your course for the next couple of years. Your Major is the career you want to pursue and the minor is basically something to fall back on or something that can add to your major for when you are searching for a job. For example, your major can be in Psychology but you also have a minor in Child & Family Development. This shows that you want to deal with children.

    I was pretty nervous when I first attended college but you'll love the different kinds of people you meet. And the flexible schedules and the freedom you have. It's a great experience filled with many opportunities!

  2. You give them lots of $ - They teach you stuff

    You puke every Saturday morning - They grade you

    (on the stuff they teach you, not the puke)

    You graduate - They count the $

    You look for work - They look for more $

    You get a job to make more $ - They are still looking for more $

    Your kids ask you for $ for college - They smile
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