
How does habitat loss effect wildlife?

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How does habitat loss effect wildlife?




  1. yes it does! You can help go to

  2. winterru hit the nail on the head....

  3. habitat loss causes a animal to be a days,due to global warming the atmosphere in the tropical areas is increasing.........due to which the forests are becoming hot...deers cannot bear such a hot climate and die of dehydration or skin burns.......due to this the population of deers is becoming less and the food for the tigers and other carnivores is also becoming less.......because of this shortage...carnivores leave their original habitat and try to come in cities in search of food....humans(who dont know about this)think that the carnivores have come to attack them and hence to protect them they killl the carnivore............and the wildlife is hampered..............this is only one example of this case............there are many other examples also to explain your question!

  4. The effects are far-reaching, as you might know.  Here are examples to help you understand.  In tropical rainforests, some species of low-growing plants are so similar that scientists use the type of ant living on the plant to identify it.  If the plant is destroyed (through clear-cutting, for example, letting in too much sunlight for the plant), the ant species is eliminated, and animals who feed on the ants lose a food source, etc.  Pave a road through miles of prairie, and animals who simply used to travel from here to there get hit, injured, killed.  A single tiger needs square miles for his or her hunting ground.  Take up tiger habitat for human homes . . . tiger doesn't know the difference . . . tiger becomes aggressive towards humans . . . humans kill tiger, or wolves, or cougars, or elephants, or gorillas.  I am feeling very sad, now, so -- the end.

  5. They lose their habitat, individual animals sometimes migrate by mostly die. If a species only exists in that specific habitat, it becomes extinct.

  6. When habitat for a population of animals is destroyed they are forced to move around and find a suitable area to live. Just the stress of that can be enough to kill some of them. When they do find a new place it may be someone else's territory and fighting can result. If part of a habitat is destroyed the animals crowd into the remaining habitat and overcrowding can occur. Disease can quickly decimate a population in overcrowded conditions. There is more competition for food and only the bigger, stronger animals get enough to eat and many of the smaller and weaker ones suffer from malnutrition. Also it makes easy picking for predators.

  7. Are you serious, is this a serious question??? Where will wildlife go if it has no place to live. If animals natural habitat is lost, then they will not survive. Are you gonna let a 500 lb wild mountain gorilla into your living room, or stuff a 50 foot whale into your backyard pool? Think about you question really hard...and realize that your a fool for not knowing the answer. No offense, but come on...that is like asking how the world exploding would effect human populations.

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