
How does moorage work?

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I'm thinking about buying a boat and the moorage would be aorund 200-350 depending on where i park it. My question is does moorage include water and electric utility too? Or doi have to run the generator to make electricity. and if so where do i get fresh water for my kitchen???




  1. Um... er... I don't think boating is for you.

    Moorage is EXACTLY THAT... you are sitting tied off to a big floating ball and you HAVE NO SHORESIDE FACILITIES.  All you have is an anchor that belongs to someone else and you are paying for using it.  Typically, it's about $10 per day if you pay by the month.

    If you want water and electricity then you have to PAY for that... and that means being TIED TO A DOCK where you will pay anywhere from half again to twice as much as you would pay for a Mooring.

    If you run a generator and it's a quiet mooring or anchorage... don't be surprised if the other boaters around you don't like you very much and people who tend to run their Gensets all the time also tend to get holes drilled in the bottom of their hulls some dark night or get some trash stuffed into the water intake.

    Living on the water is NOT like living on land and people are more inclined to settle their own problems rather than calling NINE ONE ONE.  Boaters are great people... but don't get on their wrong side or you will find out that paybacks are not nice.

    AND... everything you have heard about how Ragbaggers feel about Stinkpotters and vice versa IS TRUE.

  2. Whoa!!- guys-we all started somewhere. If the guy isn't put off by all the vivid yet factual info give him a little space. First of all --there are solutions to everything-or not but go positive. If you have it in you to go over to your the boat next door with some scotch or vodka and introduce yourself and explain that if they should have a problem- come see me before the hand crank drill and scuba comes out- people are more than happy to hear from you. Most of all they will give you a hand (no mater what kind of a idiot you look like) But you must have skills too! What do you have to trade for the help you might get. Good with motors?(the best skill) electronics-can you haul garbage? do septic? I mean you don't need a college education to provide services for yourself or your neighbors. I know we are straying from the question- but there is a steep learning curve you need to get behind before your insurance co drops you like a hot rock. Your question has "nubie" written all over it.

  3. You dock a boat mooring it Or on the hook> electric & water at not on moorings> Only dock side> You can run a generator for the gally> Carry water in a 5 gallon can> If on the hook or mooring>And you need a dingy for travel to & from the boat>

  4. Water? Electricity? Lol. The kind of boat I've had before (I'm thinking it's under water now) had the water on board, no electricity. But I think it's most likely to be on the boat, or how would you connect up? It's not a I said, you have a pump from a water tank for the kitchen. Happy boating...yar!

  5. Moorage...

    Check with your marina, ask them what is included in the cost of mooring your boat.  Ask the following questions:

    1.  Is this a mooring ball, or a slip at the marina?

    2.  What is included in the cost?

    3.  If power is not included, how much is it, and how is it determined?

    4.  Same as above for water.

    I have had slips where power and water were included.  I have had a flat rate for power and water.  I have had free water, pay for power to the local marina, fixed rate per month, per usage, also to the local power company.

    In Florida, I was charged $45/month for power and water when I wan not even there, and the boat was not plugged in, and using no water.  I felt this was rather excessive, but there were no other choices.
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