
How does one become a ghost?

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I've been considering becoming a ghost for a long time now and would like to know EXACTLY how to go about it.

Given the whole having to be dead thing, I would appreciate it if there were no time wasters or liars because it's not something I can mess about with.




  1. Considering there's no such thing.It's going to be impossible.I certainly hope you're in no hurry to prove me wrong.

  2. You become a ghost when you die before your time. Ghost either are trapped by not knowing that they are actually dead or they are hanging on to something on earth. I would rather transcend than to be in the same area for perhaps hundreds of years. Don't you mean spirit, go where they are loving, you can always come an visit as a spirit. Ghost can't travel to a higher dimension, but a spirit can go to the lower dimensions and back up.

    Perhaps you should play with astral travel first....and you'll see what I a live ghost you can travel perhaps to other dimensions....because you are aware knowing that your not dead.

  3. According to most legends, you have to die having been wronged somehow. You may be murdered, or perhaps committed suicide after being jilted by a lover, that kind of thing. And you have to do it in a place that is kind of spooky to begin with, like an old prison or inn, a lonesome country bridge or a dark hollow somewhere.

  4. I don't know how anyone could possibly lie to you about being a ghost when in reality none of us are........

    You want to come back as a ghost?

    Then die a tragic death.

    Or have a lot of mystery surrounding your death, like having an unknown killer.

    There isn't a fail proof way to come back as a ghost because there isn't a fail proof way to prove ghosts exist.

    Granted, a few in here have had strange occurrences happen.

    But as far as something being considered as concrete evidence, it hasn't happened just yet.

  5. you become a ghost if you are murdered , and it goes unsolved , you stick around until somebody puts the answers

    together.and closes your case

  6. Dont go to the light!

  7. Learn to astral project for now. Then when you leave physical form, don't cross over through the light.

  8. deffly try astral and you're going to answer your own question

  9. when you die

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