
How does socialism magically bring unity?

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How does socialism magically bring unity?




  1. It doesn't.  

    There will be two tiers:

    The upper and the rest.  How's that for unity?

  2. All socialists are united in their hatred of freedom.

  3. Human potential is exponentially better, unleashed.

    When not motivated from fear.  Especially American potential.

    To let one's mind slump lazy into the idea that Americans, the poorest Americans, need to feel threatened to do good

    to be of service

    is absurd.

    It is a great absurdity, All too silently uncriticized for its deep darwinian pessimism. It is at its core, the very hight of insulting lack of confidence in the American character.

  4. Ummmm...socialism doesn't mean a bunch of people being social.

  5. I guest it does it by saying "change" a lot and preach hatred toward the other party enough.

  6. it doesn't, it screws over everyone.  

  7. Unity isn't a legitimate function of government.

  8. We all believe in socialism to a degree. One of the best examples that demonstrate the benefits of socialism is the American highway system. We all chip in to pay for it at the pump. Rather painless isn’t it?  I imagine national medicine would be much the same.

    If capitalism worked as well as some will have us believe, it would work equally well for the poor too. But as we all know, it fails the disenfranchised miserably.

  9. No unity, It brings big government intervention and Big Brother.  Half of America wants no part of that and the Dems will find this out very soon.

    The liberal Democrats have been hoping for Communism for decades, they disquise it as Socialism or "Unionization".

    The Republicans want Free Enterprise and Individualization

    The Dems are being bribed with Health care (That the Dems have been promised for 30 years and haven't gotten - Promises and lies.

    Everything the Dems accuse the Repubs of, they are downplaying their own faults and more than likely, they are the cause of what they are blaming on the Republicans.

  10. no form of government magically brings unity

  11. It won't in the U.S.  Can understand how it could work in a small society with a much smaller population then we have. It seems to work in some European countries but they are  95% (or more) same ethnically and socially.  

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