
How does the army bonus work?

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After you receive your first portion do you receive another portion one year from that date or the date you enlisted?




  1. Here's how the army bonus works:

    You go to Iraq and (B-B-B-BONUS!) you get blown up!

  2. have you heard of the term false advertising....

  3. You receive half of it upfront.  The rest is broken down into equal installments each year for rest of your contract.  You get the money on the anniversary of your inlistment date (or very close too)

  4. It gets spread out over a three year period on you anniversary date. You get 33 1/3 a year.

  5. should be on the contract anneversary date but dont hold your breath

  6. Pretty sure its on the anniversary of your enlistment.

  7. There are two types of enlistment bonuses currently offered by the Active Duty Army: Enlistment bonuses for non-prior service recruits, and enlistment bonuses for prior service recruits who have been separated from the military for 91 or more days (those separated from the military for 90 days or less would use the regular re-enlistment bonus charts).

    Non-Prior Service enlistment bonus amounts are based on the MOS (job) and the number of years one is enlisting for.

    Prior Service enlistment bonus amounts are based on the MOS (job), how long one was in the military, re-enlistment zone "multiplier," the individual's rank, and how many years the individual is re-enlisting for.

    The military services offer a variety of enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses to attract new recruits into military specialties that are considered "hard to fill," as well as to encourage experienced military members in "shortage jobs" to stay in past their first enlistment period.

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