
How does the world stop poaching?

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Poachers kill thousands upon thousands of OUR world's endangered and protected species. Robbing all of us! How do we deal with this? Do we want our children and grandchildren just reading about these animals in a book? What does it take to rid our world of this cancer?




  1. Join Care2Connect. You will find lots of petitions regarding protection of animal welfare. Here is the link to my page:

    I hope to be doing an article of the poaching of elephants this week, (for illegal ivory trade) but am still gathering information.

    It's also a great place to get involved with any other causes you may want to support. From Durfar to abuse of women to individual cases of animal abuse where we sign petitions to go to the judge to give the max penalty.

    Here is a great link that makes it easy to support animal causes with just e-signing petitions:

  2. kill the poachers and anyone who supports them.

  3. it's a tough battle. did you hear that poachers shot the last two living wild white rhinos in Zambia last week? One died and the other is being treated for its injuries. this makes me feel ill. these people (poachers) don't care at all.

  4. higher fines, and longer jail-times, and rewards for turning in poachers...

  5. I think we almost need something bordering on the Kyoto Protocol for just poaching.  This would bring the issue to the global level and begin the process of creating a unified front on the issue.

    Aspects of this would include:

    *Undermining, eliminating or disrupting the markets poached animal materials are sold via (ivory, pelts, organs, etc).

    *Ramp-up the fines and jail times for those caught involved in ANY aspect of the poaching trade.

    *Increase funding for game wardens and the resources and technology available to them -- worldwide!

    *Improve inter-agency/country efforts to halt this practice.

    *Create a central clearing house for data on poaching activities and actions.

    There are a number of other programs that could emerge from this effort that would serve the planet well I'm sure.

    Amazingly this past week China announced at a conservation conference (and demonstrated) that they have significantly stepped up their efforts to crack down and eliminate the markets dealing with poached animal parts throughout the country.  This is a huge step.

    Right-or-wrong five "poachers" have been found shot dead in the Siberian Tiger range over the last two years.  Authorities don't seem to be pressing the issue on how this happened too hard.

  6. i think we should just poach the poachers. and then we can mount them up on our walls!

  7. Poaching is a horrible thing and certainly needs to be stopped. There are many methods of trying to stop it.

    1) Increasing fines and punishments for poaching

    2) Education. If people know the truth about poaching and the products that are sold from it, people will know how to avoid it, won't support it, and the demand for those goods will go down.

    3) Alternatives. If there are alternatives that don't require black market trade, people will buy those instead.

  8. No prob. Shoot all the poachers.

  9. Just have scrambled eggs instead it's no big deal. I didn't know poaching was bad though.

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