
How earth is form?

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As in, How EXACTLY earth form? Not by Superstitious, but by Scientific facts.




  1. The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago from the same nebula cloud of gas and dust that the Sun and the eight other planets were formed.

    It is supposed that all the planets that now revolve around the sun were once a part of a common mass of gas in the form of a vast sphere which was very large and very hot which gradually lost its heat and shrank as most bodies do when they cool.

    The main mass kept on cooling and shrinking and whirling faster and faster, and other rings separated. Each of these rings also kept on cooling and shrinking and is supposed to have parted at some point and gradually gathered together into a globe, but still in the form of fiery gas, even though it had lost much of its heat. But at last this globe of gas cooled so much that the main part of it became liquid.

    However, Earth then was very different from Earth now, and it would have been impossible for life to exist on it.

    The planet has no oxygen in its atmosphere and no ozone layer, so poisonous ultraviolet rays from the Sun hit the surface directly. The molten center of the planet is extremely hot, and volcanoes erupt constantly, forming the mountains and landscapes of the planet. Water droplets, contained in the planet's atmosphere, cannot settle as liquid or ice because the surface is so hot.

    But all this is theory. It cannot now be proved. But there are several great facts that fit in with it and make it seem as though it might be true.

  2. It was formed from cosmic dust and other particles due to the gravitational pull of the sun.

  3. Well we are told that the Earth and the other planets were formed from the remains of the birth of the sun in which these remains formed an orbit around the sun. Over time, these rocks collided together and clumped together, so as they got bigger and bigger they attracted more and more matter due to the force of gravity. A long time after that, electricity (lightning) joined and split atoms, which eventually created water. Evenutally, life emerged from water and the Earth evolved over 4 billion years.

  4. Read Genesis 1
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