
How elarn to tyuype bettrer???

by  |  earlier

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peoeple on yahii absw2ers so mean to ol' pampy abnout tuhping but fignfgers so bad ghands badc from diseaser




  1. Stop being an idiot because your not amusing anyone for starts.

  2. practice :)

  3. get a laptop w/ bigger keys than usually

    get a keyboard w/ bigger keys than usually

    get better good luck :)

  4. Learn to spell for a start

  5. WHAT!?!?  You need to learn how to type..or spell, 1 of the 2.

  6. Learn online!!  Here are two places online that can test you and also have typing lessons....

  7. um..practice makes perfect.

  8. idiot. I can look at your answer history and see readable words. noob.

  9. Slow down and look at what you are spelling, also if you dont know how to spell, learn that too. :)

  10. Get a copy of Mavis Beacon.

    When I was in school, we had a keyboard poster on the wall, and they made us wear these cardboard bibs so we couldnt physically see our own keyboard and had to look at the poster.

  11. you are a terrible typer. but hey, you can get this thing i used in elementary school called "typin time" or you can draw out a keyboard and practice when you have some extra time. just slowly start plunking on the keys.

    heres my instruction manual.

    slowly using one finger at first start typing a sentence. dont go fast. just make sure you get every letter. soon, add in your second hand and just keep going. gradually, youll get better and better.


    practice makes perfect

  12. Woah.

    All I got is

    people on yahoo answers so mean to ____ about typing but fingers so bad ____ ____ from disease.

  13. you could possibly buy some games like Mac Mavis and practice on those

  14. dude i can barely understand you! have you ever heard of a backspace bar? I'm in The 5th grade and my old typing teacher always sent us to they have a accent but it sure helped me. click on easy typing. they work really good. have fun and good luck!

  15. YOU= WEIRD

  16. I don't know if typing or spelling is your problem or both . But for me I have severe arthritis and I use a keyboard with a wide hand spread it works better for me, also I don't know how to type but I just keep doing it  and it has gotten better. I keep a dictionary at the computer desk I have forgotten how to spell more words then I can remember use the dictionary and practice it gets better.

  17. pretty bad, i know exactly what you wrote!

  18. Practice. I got a lot better by talking with people on messengers.

    There are also programs out there that can help. One that I used a bit was called "Mavis Beacon teaches typing."

  19. practice

  20. This is SO much worse than the question you typed before that people were complaining about. If you really have a problem that makes it difficult for you to type, maybe you should just slow down so that your questions are a little more clear.

  21. you are teh noob

  22. go to

    and go to lessons its not really not much games

    10 points plzzzzzzz

  23. ohkaaaay I think you've made your point ......

  24. break it down...sound it out....

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