
How far is the closest star ?

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Please answer in Millimeter and Light-year

well there is something to keep you bussy




  1. 4.24 light years away

    the sun is 8 minutes of light

  2. The sun, The Sun is about 149 million km (93 million miles) from Earth. This is the average distance; since Earth's orbit is an ellipse, not a perfect circle, the Earth-Sun distance varies slightly throughout the year. In early January when the Earth is at perihelion (Earth's closest point to the Sun in each orbit), Earth comes within 147.09 million km (91.40 million miles) of the Sun. In July, when Earth reaches aphelion (its furthest point from the Sun), it recedes to a distance of 152.10 million km (94.51 million miles) from the Sun. Thus the Earth-Sun distance varies by about 3%, or roughly 5 million km (3 million miles), over the course of a year. Remember, this variation in distance is NOT the cause of our seasons on Earth.

    In comparison with Proxima Centauri


    Distance     (lightyears)    0.00001  

    Apparant Magnitude          26.8

    Absolute Magnitude           4.75

    Proxima centauri

    Distance     (lightyears)            4.3

    Apparant Magnitude     ?check

    Absolute Magnitude      15.5

  3. Well, Sol is just a few planets over.  Light takes about 4 minutes to reach Earth from Sol.

  4. The distance of the closest star is 1 astronomical unit, or 1.496×10^14 mm or 1.58128 x 10^-05 light years.

  5. F**ng a lot in millimeters.

  6. Proxima Centauri which is about 4.22 light years away from our solar system. (other than our Sun of course)

    4.22 LY = about 39,924,197,497,763,352 millimeters (which is constantly changing because of stellar drift)

    Mr. Goodkat - Actually it takes approximately 7 minutes 56 seconds for light from the Sun to reach Earth.

  7. Britney spears is about 300 yards from me right now.  She is the closest star.

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