
How fast do race horses run?

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How fast do race horses run?




  1. Thoroughbreds run at speeds around 37 miles per hour though for a few furlongs many can make it up to 40 mph.

  2. American  quarter horses are among the fastest and have been measured reaching a top speed of 50 mph .

  3. Most racehorses tend to run in the high 30mph bracket, although they can break 40mph, but not for long periods of time.

    Quarter horses earned their name due to their ability to sprint over a quarter-mile faster than any other horse.

  4. througbreds on the track run about 40mph

    the quarter horse appendixs that run on the track run about 50-60 mph....we've had one here in Indiana reach up to 56.

  5. A thoroughbred running a mile (World Record)averaged 40 mph on average it is closer to 35 mph.sprinters reach speeds up to 50 mph but can not maintain this speed but for a couple of furlongs(1/4 mile)opening split in a race is 20 seconds that's 50 mph most races are around 22/24 seconds for the first 2 furlongs in a sprint.Thoroughbreds reach speeds into the forties but can not keep this speed and they will average out in the middle 30s(mph)for the race.DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE EARIER STATEMENTS QUARTERHORSES ARE NOT FASTER THAN THOROUGHBREDS.quarterhorses race at a shorter distance that's why it is thought they run faster. check out comparable times in races of short distance some thoroughbred tracks run short races for 2 year olds just starting and there other races at 4 furlongs on up.The best times run by these thoroughbreds is as good the best quarterhorses (all ages)year after year.A good thoroughbred sprinter would be a good match for almost any quarterhorse.There is real difference in the speed of these two breeds in horse racing ,

  6. Thoroughbreds run in the high 30mphs...  somewhere between 36 and 38mph usually.  They can reach 40 but they like to reserve their energy for the end of the race, so they usually stick with the 37mph or so.  horses running shorter distances can afford to run faster.  horses running longer distances will try to slow down to save energy for later.

    Quarter horses run much shorter races, sprinting the entire distance.  They run over 40mph... they go from 0 to 45 in about 3 strides when they break from the gate.  And then they usually run around 47mph.  According to wikipedia, quarter horses can reach speeds of 55 mph.

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