
How freakin GREAT is Tana?

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Huge fan of his on field performances but this article gives you a glimpse into how he sees things off the field. It's about time he spoke out about Cryin' Brian.

Tana for PM...... of the UK!




  1. Sweet, must get my hands on a copy - bound to be a good read.

    Fully rate Tana, always have, always will - great man. I think the fact that he hasn't until now spoken out about the way O'Driscoll handled his injury is the measure of the man. I've never heard him be negative about anything, and the way he retired quietly waiting until the fan fare had died down over the grand-slam win - not wanting to detract from or diminish the taste of hard fought victory by announcing  his retirement on the heels of the last game. Selfless, so much humility and always putting others first.

    You know, I think he probably could have gone on to captain and win this years world cup.

  2. Quote:

    The Lions hadn't been impressed with the way I'd played, he said, and I had to watch it. I said, "Don't talk to me about off-the-ball incidents, talk to your own players." (With all the fuss the Lions had made over the O'Driscoll incident, it had almost been overlooked that their lock Danny Grewcock, a player with a history of foul play, had been cited, found guilty, and banned for biting Keven Mealamu.) "Look at Grewcock," I said. "He's a meathead."

    "Yeah, he is a meathead," he said. "You can't change that but we're better than that. We shouldn't play like those guys. We thought you were a gentleman."

    Hahahaha he is a MEATHEAD. That was a classic article. Had me in hysterics for most of it. Umaga was a fine player and I always respected how he would just shoot from the hip. No beating round the bush from Tana, just straight up and as blunt as those crappy plastic knives you get at McShit.

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