
How good are my AP grades?

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I just got my AP grades in the mail today. For my sophomore year I got 5's in World History AP and Spanish Language AP. Is it to my advantage to send those grades to colleges now or should I wait until later when I have taken more AP classes?




  1. 5 is the top grade you can get.

    If you know which schools you want to go to, then it can only help to send them.

    And you can always stop your grades from being sent, or send the to additional school for a small fee.

  2. First of all, congratulations on getting good grades!

    I think that it's good to send them in during your sophomore year.  I suggest sending them ASAP; you'll be glad you did.

  3. 5 is the highest you can get. You may want to submit  them now and in the future you may want to have them automaticaly sent to the college you are most interested in because then it is free. Colleges keep track of everything so it wouldnt hurt submiting them now.

  4. wow, stfu smartie! lol, jk

    anyways, h**l yeah! why not? it helps colleges keep an eye on you. a 5 is perfect anyways. they're not gonna penalize you for it

  5. Good job! Those are great scores.

    I would go ahead and send them to colleges, even if you are not positive that you want to attend there.

    You can always send them to other schools that you think of in the future.

    You said yours came in the mail...where do you live?

  6. If you are already looking at colleges, I would send them. Otherwise, if you don't know where you would even want to attend, wait and send them later because it costs money to send your scores. Either way, those are perfect scores! Congratulations!!

  7. It's really a question of whether you want to save money. If you choose to send scores now you are paying 15 dollars for two scores' worth per college. If you wait till next year you might be sending five or even ten scores for the same price. A little patience doesn't hurt.

    However if you're applying for college this year, that's a different ballgame altogether. By sending scores you ensure the colleges you send them to have a file open on you. That helps.

    Weigh the cost and the benefits, and decide. Rationally.

  8. colleges look at letter grades... not numbers.

  9. Wow congrats. You send your scores your senior year. Im going to be college freshmen next year and the college I'm going to wants them by July15, 2008.

  10. The scores are perfect. So you'd be stupid to not send them to colleges when you apply.

  11. These types of questions are so non-sense. If the exam is based on a 1 to 5 score and you got a 5, then why the h**l do you need other people to tell you they're "good"? If you're intelligent enough to score 5's in the first place, then why is it so hard to assess yourself on how well you did? If you're just fishing for compliments, then that's just really annoying.

  12. I would go ahead and send them to let the college know you are interested.

  13. congrats!

    and thanks for letting me know this because i'm waiting on my grades.

    if you know for certain where you're going, send them now.  otherwise, just let them go to the one school you picked when you signed up and wait until later to send them all.

  14. Obviously the scores are perfect... But I would send them to colleges anyways.. Pick the colleges your pretty sure you may attend.  Worse case scenario you can resend them to a new college of your choice later in the year.


    Doug you have no idea what your talking about.. These are AP scores... not transcript letter grades....

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