
How hard is it to Snowboard?

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I have been skiing once.

I am going to Queensotwn, NZ snowboarding.

3 friends and i will be s/boarding for 3 days - is it going to be hard?

2 of us has skied once, and 2 have never done either...




  1. well obviously its going to be hard first. It will get easier snowboarding a couple of times. But you probably will get bruises on your butt because when i started snowboarding i fell a lot. You have to keep on trying and not be scared to fall to get better. Once you get to snowboard a couple of times then you will learn how to do carve and do tricks.

    Just some tips:

    1) try to keep your body straight because if you lean too back or too much to the front you will fall

    2) dont go to the crazy slopes in the beginning. work your way up(i think its ok to try harder slopes once you fall less on the bunny slopes and get a hang of breaking; going on the harder slopes will make you learn faster)

    3) Dont try doing things that are too hard(ex. jumps, rails, boxes, etc.)

  2. You will fall down and your butt will hurt.  :)

    If you can, try to wear some knee protection, I've learned this to be very usefull after a knee injury.

    In 3 days - I dont know for how long you plan to ride each day but - you should be able to go down the bunny slope doing S turns by the end of the third day :)

    I'd suggest, since none of you guys have never done snowboard before, try to get a group lesson during your first morning. At least to get you all to understand the concept of heels and toes.....(And then save up on lift ticket by staying at the bunny slope).

    And just have just have 3 days, not that you are worried of coming back as a pro, right???

    Have fun!


  3. wait you never were snowboarding and only skiied once and your going to new zeland???good luck you'll be spending lots of time in the lodge at the bar i feel...good zeland is one of the finest places to snowboard with some of the most difficult terrain on planet know this right??

  4. i learned a few weeks ago and i no that u cant just go w/o being taught how to)

    just get some lessons so u can learn the basics make sure u watch other snowboarders

    this website is really helpful:

    make sure u wear a helmet and wrist guards- i sprained my wrist from falling on it too many times when i first learned

  5. it's hard at first but with practice it gets should just get lessons.

    be prepared to fall...A LOT! cause it's all part of the learning process.

    likei said though, it get's easier with should be pretty good by the third day if you stick it out and get some help...GOOD LUCK!

    p.s: go look up tips for snowboarding on the web for some help if you can't afford lessons...

  6. link up with an instructor for a monring, they'll teach you the ropes.

    other than that most people think it's hard because they give up after a day. Most people who learn how to ride can't make it all the way down the mountain without falling until day 3 or 4.

    I guess what I'm saying is don't give up don't get discouraged it's supposed to be fun.


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