
How hard to learn?

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My college is starting a club rugby team and I was thinking about joining..but I was afraid I wouldn't pick up one the rules fast enough. How hard is the sport to learn? I have no prior knowledge of it all really.




  1. it is fairly easy to pick up all of the basic rules, and everything you would need to know to go into a match. the best way to learn the more advanced rules and tricks is to get on the field and get match experience under your belt, and eventually you will learn. i picked up all the rules in my first season, it wasnt that hard. just join up, get out there and have a laugh!

  2. Whether you learn all the laws or not (by the way most refs appear to not know half of them so don't worry) is not the question you should be asking what else you will learn.

    By playing rugby you will learn about:




    discipline (self and general)

    correct conduct

    being dependable


    keeping going in the face of adversity


    Personal performance in a team structure

    Oh the list goes on.  Rugby is a great family to be part of and I used to say that I could take my boots and gum shield to anywhere in the world (that played rugby) and make instant friends.

    The basics like pass back, keep yourself behind the ball, , keep behind the back foot at breakdowns, tackle low, run straight are simple.  Rucks and mauls get a bit more complex but there are positions that are easier to play whilst you learn like full back, winger or lock.  The rudiments of these positions are simple and if you start there you'll pick up more just by talking, watching and listening to what is going on.

    Man, I'm excited for you just thinking about it.  Sign up, now.

  3. Apart from the rucks and mauls, the game is pretty simple, wouldn't take more than a few games being explained to you to pick it up.

  4. I had no knowledge of rugby at all before I started either. You feel pretty uncomfortable when you first start but the more you play the better you get.

    I'd say by the time I was playing my second season I was pretty on to it. Get in there and play mate you won't regret it.

  5. It's very simple...


    1. You cannot pass the ball foward

    2. You cannot kick the ball foward if one of your team members are in front of you!

    3. When tackled..Do not lose the ball foward.

    4. You cannot block an opposition from tackling the ball carrier on your team.


    1. All tackles attempted should not be above the shoulders of an opposition...That Tackle is considered 'High'

    2. You cannot tackle an opposition who is attempting to catch the ball in the air. Wait till he is on the ground!

    3. You must not tackle a player without the ball

    4. You cannot tackle a player after he has kicked or passed the ball - that is known as a 'late tackle'!

    5. No punching!

    These are just some of the General Rules of Rugby to get you started!

    Enjoy the Game!
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