
How has astrology helped you?

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Not horoscopes, but finding out about yourself. For me, it makes me more confident, and little quirks (like moodiness. Cancer moon) it means that i know what things to look out for. That's the rough overview. But it makes me confident and makes me happy, and that's probably the best things it can do. How has astrology helped you?

(p.s. I also guess people's sunsigns as a party trick. Very sociable ability too, I guess).




  1. Yea it reminded me of what a sweet person i am and what to be aware of and what to pray about. That's pretty cool that u guess people sun signs, I do that sometimes too, sometimes a whole lot of stuff, i will read off a person, i don't even mean to it just happens and sometimes i will let them know to help them or i will just pray to God for them especially if i am not sure of what i am reading and i may not even know them. I guess it's kinda weired don't even like really sharing this.

  2. Like you, it's helped me to know myself better, kind of like a road map.  I used to have an attitude like "my way or the highway" Leo/Leo, after being knocked on my *** more than once I learned that I have traits good and bad.  Learning to work the good ones (fun, humor, romance) and how to control the bad ones (ego, bossiness, jerk) has been a positive change for me and everyone I know.

  3. I like astrology as a hobby. It interests me. I think that every person is unique in their own right. Then I find out their sign and sometimes it matches, sometimes not. However, With a full chart in hand it is amazing how much it resembles them. Now I love astrology. However, there are other things I look at in a person besides their "sign".

    I think that its helped me by learning how to approach and talk to people differently. There are people u can be blunt with and others u can't. It has helped me make friends like all of you guys here on YA (Horoscope section). Thanks for the fun times!

  4. It helps me control my "emotion"... Im a cancer too :)

    I love your hair... If that is you in the pic

    haha nice!

  5. I pretty much agree with what you said. It helps me know my strengths and weaknesses... where I can trust myself, where I have to be careful... and so I feel confident...

    It has also helped me accept myself for who I am, and accept others to be who they are...

  6. Astrology says I'm going to answer somebody's question today. I don't know who :)

  7. When I was little, I always used to be torn between my sun and moon signs. I used to be a fun-loving dare-devil (Sag Moon) and then, a responsible, shy little girl the next (Virgo Sun). I always used to wonder why I was like that, and how come I couldn't just personality. It was weird. I used to get really upset when I saw confident people because, well I didn't know who I was. Then, I started getting into astrology, and  figured out why I was like that. Once I had understood that, balancing out my emotions were a lot easier. I like to think that now, I know when to have fun and when to be responsible =)

  8. to understand people more.  why me and my sister are so different but we were raised the exact same way with the exact same parents.  Also to understand myself because I knew my sign Aquarius was suppose to be the extroverted sign of 'friends' and I didn't understand why I was so introverted then and shy.  Now knowing all the pieces to the puzzle I am understanding it all :)

  9. I think I was BORN under the WRONG SIGN..I mean..I don't act or behave like ppl think or say that sign'm vise versa..Is good you have found your inner self I mean..that is new but good.

  10. Actually, it hasn't really done anything for me, because I never use it to decide things in my own life. It has supplied me with something to learn about, and it interests me. It also gives me something to talk about, and a way to understand myself and others...But even with the information gathered...I only take it in stride. I am not an astrologer, and I don't know all there is to know, and I can only make little guesses and observations based on my knowledge and observations. I think it's fun to think about, and amazingly accurate, but I still would rather think about my friends, and myself, as people with free will and the choice to be who they want to be. I just follow my own path and live life as if I never knew about astrology. It's much easier that way, and it doesn't boggle my mind with thoughts and worries of insecurities. Most of my friends don't know a thing about astrology anyway, so if I bring it up they just look at me in a weird way and they hate it when I use it to make excuses. I am who I choose to be.

    Edit: Well, I take that back. It does help when I know if someone may be prone to being more sensitive than others. For instance, if I have a Cancer friend, or one with a lot of water in the chart, I know to be more careful with my words and not to take them for granted. It does also help me get an idea on how to interact with some, and it teaches me what problems I need to try an overcome.

  11. Education and career decisions: It helped me to cut through the chase and avoid a lot of unnecessary detours which I could have made in my education and career. I took a chance and went with what was suggested. In so many ways I am thankful that I did because it was all correct choices in the long run.

    Work: I now use astrology whenever possible to "read" the persons who will be involved in every case. It has helped me to understand the personalities involved and also to look for what may tend to be unpleasant surprises where certain persons are concerned. I can also spot strengths and weaknesses, and this helps me to be better prepared.

    Familial relationships: It's helped me in my personal life to understand those with whom I am close. One of the things that further convinced me about astrology was seeing my parents' charts. I have always been close to my father but not to my mother. When I compared my father's to my mother's, and then both to my own, it was so plain to see why. Sure, situations happened to cause the issues involved, but it was easy to spot why the situations happened in the first place.

    Love relationships: I'm still learning in this area. I know what I want in this type of relationship, and I tend to attract this type of person. I've had two bad relationships and I've learned what probably caused them to fail, astrologically speaking. Astrology has helped me to see that I have faults which I still need to work on in this area of my personal life, and what I can do to overcome these faults.

    Financially: I've used astrology to help me decide what and where to invest. I'm planning on retiring fairly young enough to spend a lot of time traveling. I own a home and a boat.

    Health: I take care of myself, and my chart has pointed to areas that may become a problem when I am older. I feel this gave me a heads up of what to watch specifically.

  12. Helped me be more tolerant.  Like when people do the things they do, I realize, oh, THAT'S HOW THEY ARE.  No biggy. :-)

  13. Don't bother with it. Astrology gets no credit or blame for the events of my life. People see me as I am, not how some stereotyping concept sees me.

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