
How has baseball Changed your life

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How has baseball Changed your life




  1. changed my life?? it is my life!

  2. It has always been a healthy outlet for me. I loved playing ball as a youngster and going to ball games as well. No matter what is going on in my life there is always baseball to look forward to, I love to watch and study the game.

  3. It has and hopefully it will make drastic changes.

    Im planning to get a job in the sports field and that includes baseball.  I also want to be involved in basketball and a lil hockey.  Just need to continue gaining knowledge.  Hopefully broadcasting or journalism.

  4. It has made me spend a lot of time watching it instead of doing other things.

  5. it made me be closer to my brother, who passed away about 9 years ago

  6. I've been watching and playing baseball all my life so it hasn't really 'changed' it rather it has always been a part of my life. I can't imagine life without baseball, even the simple act of throwing a ball back and forth makes me happy. It's filled a lot of evenings watching games, killed more than a few brain cells (but only the weak ones!) but overall its just about the best thing there is. And when I travel, especially in the US, it makes a great way to start talking to the locals.

  7. I can go watch a game and have fun. It's a great game, and it's just made me have more confidence and believe. It taught me, win or lose be a true fan forever, stick up for your team, how to have confidence, be who you want to be, if you like a certain team, like them, no matter if people make fun of you for how bad they're doing. It has changed my life in so many ways! =]

    Just watching a game makes me feel better. =]

  8. 1. Our family is closer :) We all love watching baseball together and going to games together. Its always fun in our house during baseball season. It makes our lives happy and stress-free

    2.I have no social life. I'm more of a homebody person but  when my friends (who aren't into baseball) want to hang out i actually feel pretty depressed that i'm missing the game.. and as soon as i get back i check out the score. And off-days/off-season KILLS ME!!

    3. and i guess.. its taught me a lot of things that i never knew before. Not just the game but morals and the history and loyalty :) it helped me realize that impossible things are happening everyday ^^

  9. It helps me relieve myself of stress. It gives me a while to either sit and watch or go out and toss a ball and focus on something other than the problems that I have sometimes. Everyday I do something that is associated with baseball, even if it's comming on here and answering questions. I would lose a big part of my life if baseball wasn't around.  

  10. Baseball has not changed my life, it's always been part of my life.

  11. In short...I too have no life without baseball. xD Well, I do. Heh. One the's one of the reason my bf / fiance *its complicated* started talking. :]

  12. That's actually a tough question for me simply because i really don't kknow a life without baseball. It's been part of my life for as long as I remember.

    But I can tell you that I've learned a lot of important lessons.

    Because it takes 4 balls to get a walk, but only 3 strikes to make an out, I've learned that life isn't always fair.

    I learned that the color of a man's skin doesn't matter one bit as long as he can do the job he's asked to do.

    I learned that possibly the most graceful person ever to walk the face of the earth was Ozzie Smith, and the least graceful was Greg Luzinski.

    Being a life long, die hard, 4th generation Cubs fan, I've learned how to accept defeat. (And a note to those out there who are calling us Cubs fans "bad winners", give us a break - this winning stuff is sort of new to us.  Tough to learn how to be good at something you haven't done much of - you may as well ask us what the proper etiquette for meeting the Queen of England is, or the fastest route up Mt. Everest)

    I learned that my father has an incredible memory.

    I learned that my grandfather had an even more incredible memory.

    I've learned that the things you do right in your chosen line of work aren't always the most spectacular (a lot more games are won with doing the easy things well then they are with spectacular plays).

    I've learned that the sun shines brighter, the sky is bluer and the grass is greener at Wrigley Field then any place on Earth. I've also learned that the hot dogs and beer taste better there as well.

    Most importantly, it has been a common love for my grandfather, my father and myself. My Dad is an only child, and while I am not an only child, I am an only son, so we already shared a pretty close bond. But, even when my father and i didn't always get along (what teenage boy ever really gets along with his father), we still had that one thing we could enjoy together without feeling uncomfortable or getting angry.

    What better thing in the world could there be then something that can be shared by so many generations?

  13. its made me boreder.

  14. It got me closer to my parents,way closer than before.I used to never talk to my parents,just saying "Hi" when I see them and "goodnight" when its bedtime.But now we sit around together and watch White Sox games,or really any games that are on ESPN,FOX,TBS,the playoffs and stuff like that.We love going to games together and just have fun all the time.Baseball also got me interested in football,hockey,basketball,and college sports.I just wish that I watched baseball way before than when I started.

  15. Kept me away from the streets when i was a teen. It has helped me alot.

  16. it has made me feel better that i play football a more physical sport then baseball

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